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The 8th ECHO East Africa Biannual symposium in collaboration with HOPE International Burundi was held at the end of February, 2025. The symposium had 30 presenters and 130 participants from 14 countries across continents. Participants shared and encouraged one another in areas of sustainable agricultural practices, agroecology, farming systems, and more! 


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Past ECHO East Africa Events

  1. 2025-02-27 Our approach as practitioners… We read about them, they tell us, and we listen We build empathy and understanding life from their end We value their community – its their life with the past, present and future We come and go – we ignite the fire in them, passion drive them We shadow them, and...
  2. 2025-02-27 At TURAME we finance specific crops, and the funds are used mainly for wages, fertilizers or to bridge the gap between the sowing and the harvest. Agriculture Finance can be broadly classified into: Crop loan Term loan for land and water resources development, mechanisation of agriculture and...
  3. 2025-02-27 The study underscores the potential of OFSP for value addition in local communities, The use of OFSP Puree by MSMEs potentially reduce wheat imports Enhances improvement in the nutritional status while Providing employment opportunities especially for youth and women But: Need to increase...
  4. 2025-02-27 This presentation provides a visual respresentation of how to achieve a low-tech Biochar Production.
  5. 2025-02-27 Biochar & Soils (IBI)biochar‐ Biochar enhances soils. By converting agricultural waste into a powerful soil enhancer that holds carbon and makes soils more fertile, we can boost food security, discourage deforestation, and preserve cropland diversity. Sustainable biochar is...
  6. 2025-02-27 This presentaion covers the following topics: Conservation Agruculture (CA) is a proven regenerative agricultural methodology CA has greater impact when complemented and supplemented by other activities identified by the community Community participation, contribution, ownership and leadership is...
  7. 2025-02-25 This presentation highlights the history of ECHO East Africa's Seedbank, ECHO's Strategic Seedbanking Goal, and much more!
  8. 2025-02-25 Agribusiness refers to the industry involved in the production, processing, and distribution of agricultural products, encompassing farming, supply chains, input supply, and value-added activities like agro-processing and marketing. Importance of Agribusiness: Economic Growth Food Security...
  9. 2025-02-25 Topics included in this training: To expose and empower anybody who is interested in Tissue culture Technologies for sustainable agriculture, seed sustainability and just as a hobby To revolutionise agriculture by introducing as many people as is possible by introducing them to Tissue culture Aim...
  10. 2025-02-25 Overview of the EA RIC: ECHO opened its 3rd Impact Center in East Africa in 2012 in Arusha, Tanzania Offers sustainable small-scale options for farmers/pastoralists throughout East Africa ECHO East Africa’s Niche: Demonstrating Agroecology-sustainable agriculture options Livestock technologies...
  11. 2025-02-26 This presentation will cover five of the most invasive, noxious plants in the north Tanzania. Parthenium hysterophorus, Chromolaena odorata, Prosopis juliflora, Opuntia sp., and Lantana camara. However, if you look at this link, you will find over 200 invasive plants, many of which are popular...
  12. 2025-02-25 Presentation outline: What is the problem What is Chaya So why Chaya Importance of Chaya in: a) Public health, b) Gender issues, c) Climate change Propagation of Chaya Challenges Solutions Cyanogenic compounds in Chaya and their possible effects
  13. 2025-02-25 This presentation will go over what GM/CCs are and an example of how they can be used. According to the FAO, "Green manure/cover crops are plants that are grown to provide soil cover and to improve the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of soil."
  14. 2025-02-26 In this presentation, topics include: An agricultural ecosystem What is an ecosystem? Historic Approaches to Agroecology Brainstorming biotic & abiotic factors. And, finally, a case study to demonstrate how an agroecosystem is an agricultural ecosystem (shaped by humans)
  15. 2025-02-26 This presentation will cover: What does biogas technology mean to a small holder farmer? What is Biogas? Types of biogas systems Dissemination of Biogas Technology
  16. 2025-02-26 This Presentation will go over the benefits of Carbonized Rice Husk(CRH): Very good in soil fertilizer and conditioner as it contains phosphorous (k), calcium (ca), and magnesium (mg) nutrients vital for crop growth It controls soil-borne diseases, for example, it creates a bad conditioner for...
  17. 2025-02-26 The topics in this presentation include: Presenting an example of one solar dryer type and how it works Report on experience with using this solar dryer Think about ways to use solar food dryers to improve household nutrition and rural livelihood. Share ideas on ways to improve the dryer or make...
  18. 2025-02-26 Learnings from project holders and farmers especially through the work of Heifer International Partners in Tanzania. Livestock are a beneficial part of most agricultural systems, contrary to some modern theories of their obsolescence in a world spoiled by human-induced climate change. Smallholder...
  19. 2025-02-26 Les ressources en eau et en terres sont essentielles au développement économique et social des pays et le BURUNDI est une préoccupation. Ces ressources subissent de fortes pressions dues à la croissance démographique, à la surexploitation des terres et à la demande croissante de ressources...
  20. 2025-02-26 The topics in this presentation include: An introduction to Foundations for Farming The Heart of FFF Why Pfumvudza is important The Concept The Science The Solution