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27 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Agency for International Development & Samuel C. Litzenberger In the tropical and subtropical areas of the world, food grains make up the bulk of the diet for most people. Food grains together with fiber and specialty crops are also principal cash producers. It is with these commodities that this Guide for Field Crops in the Tropics and Subtropics concerns...
    633.009 LIT
  2. Dr. Namita Singh, Head of Training, Digital Green. This handbook gives an overview of a broad range of technologies and can be useful for professionals engaged in agriculture extension, organizations working with smallholder farmers, implementors, donors and other public sector partners. Those interested in the use ICTs for development may also...
  3. Editor: Daniel McKinnon with Isabella Trapani (NSP), Eloisa Caixeta Cunha (NSP), Claudia Valdivielso Sancho (OCC) and Zdravka Dimitrova (NSP) FAO. 2023. Millets recipe book - International Year of Millets 2023. Rome. Dietary patterns hold profound implications for our health and well-being and that of our planet. In this context, the exploration of nutritious grains becomes not only a culinary adventure...
  4. Thomas Fairhurst A question that we get asked at ECHO is “Are you an organic farm?” And the answer is “No. Because of our unique soils, climate and objectives, we do use herbicides, insecticides and mineral fertilizer as needed. At the same time, we aim to minimize our use of and reliance on expensive inputs.”...
    333.761 ASH
  5. Danny Hunter, Teresa Borelli, Nina Olsen Lauridsen, Eliot Gee, Giulia Rota Nodar (eds) A Toolkit to Support Incorporating Biodiversity into Policies and Programmes This is an open-access guide to mainstreaming biodiversity that draws on case studies across the four partner countries, Brazil, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey, outlining steps to provide evidence, influence policies, and...
  6. Jelle Van Loon and Mayling Flores Rojas This training of trainers (ToT) manual aims to provide insights into the operation, maintenance and basic repair of farm machinery. It provides an overview of the main concepts of equipment that can facilitate sustainable agriculture practices, with examples and guidelines on the topic. Its...
  7. Vernooy, R., Sthapit, B. and Bessette, G. Over three decades, a number of international and national organizations have provided technical and financial support to community seed banks around the world. Only a few of these organizations have developed and published a practical guide about how they have offered this support. This...
  8. Edited by Danny Hunter, Teresa Borelli and Eliot Gee This book examines the challenges and impacts of poor diets and nutrition from current food systems and the potential contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services in addressing these problems.
  9. Yasuko Inoue (IRENA/JIRCAS), Joaquin Macuacua (National Directorate of Forestry, Mozambique / University of Amsterdam) and Miyuki Iiyama (ICRAF/JIRCAS) This collection aims to provide a reference for policy makers and practitioners working in areas related to bioenergy in rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa. This encompasses those in the energy, agriculture, forestry, environment, finance and business sectors, among others, who are searching for...