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MissionAssist produces a wide range of adult literacy booklets in four widely used languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. They cover a range of subjects from health and hygiene to crafts, farming and practical issues like simple construction techniques. 

Books in English can be downloaded directly from this website, using the links on the pictures below; most books are available in the other languages and MissionAssist is currently revising the titles which are not yet translated into the other languages and uploading them as they become available.

If desired, MissionAssist can also supply them, free of charge, as MS Word files or in other ways (such as the use of CDs, DVDs or USB sticks). MissionAssist also accepts requests for producing specific booklets if nothing in the existing range meets your needs.

These are Shell Book titles in English relating to information and education.

64 Issues in this Publication (Showing 1 - 10)

Bombas D’Água 4: Hidráulico

Esse livrinho explica como funcionam, como instalar e como usar as bombas tipo carneiro hidráulico.

Livrinhos da série:
Livrinho 1 — Um panorama geral dos diferentes tipos
Livrinho 2 — Bombas a energia humana para uso doméstico e comunitário
Livrinho 3 — Bombas a energia humana e animal para irrigação
Livrinho 4 — Bombas tipo carneiro hidráulico
Livrinho 5 — Bombas a energia solar

Utilizamos material da Practical Action, que gentilmente permitiu seu uso.
Esta edição foi publicada no Reino Unido em 2023 por MissionAssist.
Direitos reservados © 2023 MissionAssist.
Materiais da Practical Action podem ser utilizados livremente
(inclusive para uso comercial).

Water Pumps - Irrigation

Water Pumps - human and animal powered for irrigation. This book, the third in a series about different types of devices for pumping water, focuses on human and animal powered pumps for use in irrigation.

Other books in this series:
Book 1 — An Overview of the Different Types of Pumps
Book 2 — Human-Powered Pumps for Domestic Use
Book 4 — Hydraulic Ram Powered Pumps
Book 5 — Solar-Powered Pumps

This uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.


Water Pumps - Domestic

Water Pumps - human-powered for domestic and community use. This book, the second in a series of five, focuses on human-powered pumps, their specifications and applications, from single household use to pumps which can supply a whole village.

Other books in this series:
Book 1 — An Overview of the Different Types of Pumps
Book 3 — Human and Animal Powered Pumps for Irrigation
Book 4 — Hydraulic Ram Powered Pumps
Book 5 — Solar-Powered Pumps

This uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.


Water Pumps 1 - Overview

Water Pumps - An overview of the different types. Pumps are often needed to supply communities with water both for drinking and for use in agriculture. This first book in a series of five looks at different types of pumps and lists the criteria to be considered prior to installation.

Other books in this series:
Book 2 — Human Powered Pumps for Domestic Use
Book 3 — Human and Animal Powered Pumps for Irrigation
Book 4 — Hydraulic Ram Powered Pumps
Book 5 — Solar-Powered Pumps

his uses material from "Practical Action" with kind permission.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.


Waste Management - Rubbish Pits

This book tells you how to create a rubbish pit for single household waste after it has been reduced or recycled as far as possible and also introduces the idea of creating a community waste collection service.

This uses material from "Footsteps 59" and "Footsteps 107", literary publications from TEAR Fund, with kind permission.
Additional illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

Waste Management

This book covers the three main ways of mitigating the impact of rubbish on our environment, by reducing, reusing, recycling. It also warns against careless disposal of hazardous waste.

This uses material from "Footsteps 59", the literary publication of TEAR Fund, with kind permission.
Additional illustrations by MissionAssist.

This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist.

Teaching Training 2

The second of two books on Training for Teachers, designed to give practical tips for teaching pupils in a one-to-one or classroom setting, with Book 2 looking particularly at the pupils and stressing how important it is for them to actively want to learn.

See also
Book 1: Assessing what the pupil knows and identifying the next steps
Inspired by an article in Footsteps 90 the literary publication of Tearfund
Written by Mary Bennett, a former lecturer at a teachers’ training college
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2021 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2021 MissionAssist

Teacher Training 1

The first of two books on Training for Teachers, designed to follow on from the series entitled Lifelong Learning; they give practical tips for teaching pupils in a one-to-one or classroom setting, with Book 1 emphasising the need to assess what the pupils already know and building on that.

See also
Book 2: Reflecting and retaining learning
Inspired by an article in Footsteps 90, the literacy publication of Tearfund
Written by Mary Bennett, a former lecturer at a teachers’ training college
Illustrations by MissionAssist
This edition published in the United Kingdom in 2022 by MissionAssist
Copyright © 2022 MissionAssist