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  1. 2015-09-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants for a healthy diet inIndonesia. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every...


  1. RE-HYDRATION SOLUTION DURING A CHOLERA OUTBREAK .Cholera is an intestinal infection caused by bacteria known as Vibrio cholerae. The main symptoms of this disease are diarrhea and vomiting, which both lead to rapid dehydration in people with this potential fatal disease. Keeping people hydrated,...

  2. Now available in English, French, Spanish, Swahili, Italian, Chinese, Bengali, Bamanankan, Arabic, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Pidgin, Hindi . Others in the works. COVID-19 has now spread around most parts of the world. This animation addresses best practices to protect against Coronavirus through...

  3. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted to people through the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito. Symptoms of malaria are: high fever, chills, abdominal pain, headaches, tiredness and fatigue. If anyone experiences these symptoms, it is important to go to the nearest...
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