Conservation Agriculture Core Training Materials

  1. 2020-04-20 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many other languages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Why Use Conservation...

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  1. 2016-12-20 This book is designed as a simple introduction to food plants for healthy diets in Rwanda. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are very...


  1. This animation contains a basic overview of microbial disease transmission concepts and basic ways to minimize such transmissions. Scientific Animations Without Borders (SAWBO) is a university based program. SAWBO transforms extension information on relevant topics such as agriculture, disease...

  2. This animation explains how to avoid insect damage when storing beans after harvest using the jerrycan method. Beans can be stored in an airtight jerrycan for long periods of time safely. The jerrycan being used must be completely clean and free of any contaminants. It can never have been used...

  3. In nature, microorganisms can cause disease by producing toxins in our food that make us sick. One group of these microorganisms is called molds and they can grow on foods and animal feed to the point that we can see them. While growing in grains, nuts, and fruits, some molds can produce harmful...
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