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Edible: Leaves, Spice, Fruit, Shoot, Seeds, Flower buds

A screwpine or erect branched shrub 3 to 5 m high. The trunk has several prop roots. The leaves are spirally crowded towards the ends of branches and covered with waxy powder. They are up to 1.5 m long and 3 to 5 cm wide. The edge of the leaf and the midrib have sharp spiny teeth pointing towards the end of the leaf. Trees are of one sex. The male flowers are in loose spike of flowers with a fleshy axis and enclosed by a spathe. These have several 5-10 cm long spikes along them. The female flowers are solitary and 5 cm across. The fruit are alone and hang down. They are rounded and 20 cm long. They are composed of 50 to 75 fibrous fleshy fruit with a stone in the centre. They are somewhat angular with fruit in groups of 6-7 forming a large cluster. There are several forms or kinds which vary in details.

A tropical plant. Plants occur in coastal areas especially just behind the shoreline. They grow along the coasts in India. It grows at Mumbai. It grows in damp soil. It suits hardiness zones 11-12. (This plant is similar to and often confused with Pandanus tectorius which grows in the Pacific and has been taken elsewhere.)

Common Names: Fragrant screwpine, Ara, Fa, Gagandhul, Gajangi, Hala, Kaida, Kaina, Karikio, Kedki-keya, Kenr, Keora, Keori, Ketaki, Keteki phul, Ketki, Keura, Kevada, Kevda, Kewda, Kewoda, Kewra, Keya kathal, Keya, Kyad-agegida, Maakashikeyo, Mudu kekiya, Mugali, Ram-la-khuih, Satthapu, Talai, Tale mara, Tazkai, Thala, Thalay, Tilai,

Synonyms: Athrodactylis spinosa J. R. Forst. & G. Forst. [Illegitimate];
Bromelia sylvestris Burm.f.;
Eydouxia delessertii Gaudich.;
Hasskarlia leucaantha Walp.;
Keura odora Thunb.;
Keura odorifera Forssk.;
Marquartia leucacantha Hassk.;
Pandanus adduensis H. St. John;
Pandanus albibracteatus H. St. John;
Pandanus ambiglaucus H. St. John;
Pandanus blancoi Kunth;
Pandanus boryi Gaudich.;
Pandanus camosus H. St. John;
Pandanus delessertii (Gaudich.) Warb.;
Pandanus fascicularis Lam.
Pandanus fosbergii H. St., John;
Pandanus globosus H. St. John;
Pandanus hartmanii H. St. John;
Pandanus hendersonii H. St. John;
Pandanus hueensis H. St., John;
Pandanus inclinatus H. St. John;
Pandanus incrassatus H. St. John;
Pandanus integriapicis H. St. John;
Pandanus karikayo H. St. John;
Pandanus leucanthus Hassk.;
Pandanus linnaei Gaudich.;
Pandanus linnaei f. philippinensis Martelli;
Pandanus littoralis Jungh.;
Pandanus loureiroi Gaudich.;
Pandanus maldivecus H. St. John;
Pandanus millore Roxb.;
Pandanus obtusus H. St. John;
Pandanus odoratissimus L. f.;
Pandanus odoratissimus var. (many varieties)
Pandanus odoratus Salisb.;
Pandanus phamhoangii H. St. John;
Pandanus projectens H. St. John;
Pandanus remotus H. St. John;
Pandanus reversispiralis H. St. John;
Pandanus rheedei Gaudich.;
Pandanus rubricoloratus H. St. John;
Pandanus rumphii Gaudich.;
Pandanus semiorbicularis H. St. John;
Pandanus sinensis (Warb.) Martelli;
Pandanus smitinandii H. St. John;
Pandanus spiralis Blanco [Illegitimate];
Pandanus subcamosus H. St. John;
Pandanus subulatus H. St. John;
Pandanus tectorius var. (several varieties);
Pandanus verus Rumph. ex Kurz [Illegitimate];
Pandanus verus var. flaccidus Kurz;
Pandanus verus var. littoralis Kurz;
Pandanus vietnamensis H. St. John;