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Edible: Leaves, Leaves - tea, Seeds, Flowers - tea, Vegetable

A small annual upright herb with small black seeds in heads. It is an erect branched herb 0.2 to 1.5 m tall. The branches or stems have parallel lines or ridges. The stems are four angled. The leaves are up to 15 cm long with the upper ones much smaller. The leaves are divided into 3-5 leaflets. The end leaflet is usually larger (3 cm x 9 cm). The edges of the leaves are toothed. The flowers occur at the end of branches. They are on long stalks. The flowers are brown or yellow. The seeds are black with 2-4 projections at the top. (The seeds often stick to clothes.)

It grows in tropical rainforest areas. It grows on many different soil types. It grows from near sea level to over 2000 m altitude. It suits humid locations. It needs plenty of moisture and is not drought tolerant. Very common and widely distributed from northern Luzon to southern Mindanao in the Philippines. It occurs and is widely used throughout Malawi. It can grow in arid places. In Sichuan and Yunnan.

Common Names: Cobbler’s pegs, Spanish needles, Abulesega, Aceitilla, Aceitillo, Amor seco, Anantsinahibavy, Anyegomo, Ayegomon, Beggar's ticks, Bilodra, Black jack, Boboyo, Botongatonga, Burr marigold, Cadvolo, Chananguno, Chanonga, Chinomba, Chiseyo, Chisokono, Chisosoci, Choheke, Chuchuza, Daomeoai, Daun roten, Deumeubai, Djamwounkpi, Dong ma zhan, 'enwad, Enbureymaa, Enyikibon, Hei ni zuo ge mo, Hirikulha, Ilenjane, Inongwe, Itongatonga, Jarongan, Jerambing, Jongae, Jongee, Junqqu, Kabata, Kaella, Kakala, Kaliputi, Kalo kuro, Kamalara, Kanzota, Kapuninga, Karay, Kashisha, Katarey kuro, Keroten, Ketul, Kimana-ngasi, Kofetoga, Koheriki, Kuro, Lopalopa, Lungelima, Maina sag, Mayna arxa, Mbelembele, Mbwembwe, Mhuu, Mokolonyane, Monyana, Moonyane, Mozote, Mukkutthi, Mukongolo, Mushidzhi, Namulepo, Nat bar, Nihasha, Nsolokoto, Nyabarashana, Nyangudi, Nyanyiek-mon, Obukurra, Philungekuro, Picao-preto, Picon, Puriket, Rhobashing, Rumput juala, Saetilla, Sere, Sheng-niangbaicuo, Sine, Solokoto, Ta-sae-ut, Tanggom oying, Teretani, Thole, Trakavola, Tsetsega, Tsine, Tukchong-muk, Tungunira, Ucucuza, Umahogo, Umhlabangubo, Uqadolo, X'tiyu, Ya dong long, Za qie mo, Zouqie


Bidens abadiae DC.;
Bidens abadiae var. abadiae;
Bidens abadiae var. pilosoides Sherff;
Bidens adhaerescens Vell.;
Bidens africana Klatt;
Bidens alausensis Kunth;
Bidens alba (L.) DC.;
Bidens alba var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Ballard ex Melchert;
Bidens arenaria Gand.;
Bidens arenicola Gand. [Invalid];
Bidens aurantiaca Colenso;
Bidens barrancae M. E. Jones;
Bidens bimucronata Turcz.;
Bidens bonplandii Sch.Bip.;
Bidens brachycarpa DC.;
Bidens bullata var. glabrescens Fiori;
Bidens bullata var. hirta (Jord.) Coste;
Bidens calcicola Greenm.;
Bidens californica DC.;
Bidens cannabina Lam.;
Bidens caracasana DC.;
Bidens caucalidea DC.;
Bidens cernua var. anomala Farw.;
Bidens cernua var. tenuis Turcz. ex DC.;
Bidens chilensis DC.;
Bidens chilensis var. apiifolia DC.;
Bidens chilensis var. chilensis;
Bidens ciliata Hoffmanns. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.;
Bidens daucifolia DC.;
Bidens deamii Sherff;
Bidens decussata Pav. ex DC.;
Bidens decussata Pav. ex Steud.;
Bidens dichotoma Desf. ex DC.;
Bidens effusa Thuill. ex Sherff [Invalid];
Bidens exaristata DC.;
Bidens fastigiata var. hispida Jord. ex Cariot & St.Lag.
Bidens heterodoxa var. orthodoxa Fernald
Bidens hirsuta Nutt. [Illegitimate]
Bidens hirta Jord.
Bidens hispida Kunth
Bidens hybrida Thuill.
Bidens inermis S. Watson;
Bidens leucantha (L.) Willd.;
Bidens leucantha Poepp. ex DC. [Illegitimate];
Bidens leucantha var. leucantha;
Bidens leucantha var. pilosa (L.) Griseb.;
Bidens leucantha var. sundaica (Blume) Hassk.;
Bidens leucanthema f. discoidea Sch.Bip.;
Bidens leucanthema var. pilosa (L.) Griseb.;
Bidens leucanthema var. sundaica (Blume) Hassk.;
Bidens leucanthemus (L.) E. H. L. Krause;
Bidens minor (Wimm. & Grab.) Vorosch.;
Bidens minuscula H. Lév. & Vaniot;
Bidens montaubani Phil.;
Bidens odorata Cav.;
Bidens odorata var. calcicola (Greenm.) R.E.Ballard;
Bidens odorata var. oaxacensis Ballard;
Bidens orendainae M. E. Jones;
Bidens orientalis Velen. ex Bornm.;
Bidens paleacea Vis.;
Bidens pilosa f. alausensis (Kunth) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. albiflora Maxim.;
Bidens pilosa var. bimucronata (Turcz.) O.E.Schulz;
Bidens pilosa var. bimucronata (Turcz.) Sch.Bip.;
Bidens pilosa f. bimucronata (Turcz.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. brachycarpa (DC.) O. E. Schulz;
Bidens pilosa var. brevifoliata Hieron.;
Bidens pilosa var. calcicola (Greenm.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. calcicola (Greenm.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. discoidea Sch.Bip.;
Bidens pilosa f. discoidea Sch.Bip. [Illegitimate];
Bidens pilosa f. dissecta Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. dubia (Cass.) O. E. Schulz;
Bidens pilosa var. humilis (Walp.) Walp. ex Reiche;
Bidens pilosa f. indivisa Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. leucantha (L.) Harv.;
Bidens pilosa var. minor (Blume) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. monophylla (Urb.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. odorata (Cav.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. pilosa;
Bidens pilosa var. pilosa;
Bidens pilosa f. pilosior Kuntze;
Bidens pilosa f. pinnata Kuntze;
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sherff;
Bidens pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Sch.Bip. [Illegitimate];
Bidens pilosa f. simplex Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. subbiternatus Kuntze;
Bidens pilosa f. subsimplicifolia Kuntze;
Bidens pilosa f. ternata Kuntze;
Bidens pilosa f. triaristata Sherff;
Bidens pilosa f. umbrosa Sherff;
Bidens pinnata Noronha;
Bidens pumila (Retz.) Steud.;
Bidens ramosissima Sherff;
Bidens reflexa Link;
Bidens rosea Sch.Bip.;
Bidens rosea var. calcicola Greenm.;
Bidens scandicina Kunth;
Bidens striata Schott ex Sweet;
Bidens sundaica Blume;
Bidens sundaica var. minor Blume;
Bidens taquetii H. Lév. & Vaniot;
Bidens trifoliata Norona;
Bidens tripartita Bojer [Invalid];
Bidens tripartita var. cannabina (Lam.) Beckh.;
Bidens tripartita var. discoidea Wimm.;
Bidens tripartita var. hirta (Jord.) Sherff;
Bidens tripartita var. hispida Cariot & St.-Lag.;
Bidens tripartita var. indivisa Corb.;
Bidens tripartita var. integra Peterm.;
Bidens tripartita var. integrifolia Wirtg.;
Bidens tripartita var. latifolia Rouy;
Bidens tripartita var. minima Lej.;
Bidens tripartita var. minor Wimm. & Grab.;
Bidens tripartita var. orientalis (Velen.) Sherff;
Bidens tripartita var. pumila Retz.;
Bidens tripartita var. radiata Wimm.;
Bidens tripartita var. tenuis (Turcz. ex DC.) DC.;
Bidens valparadisiaca Colla;
Bidens viciosoi Pau;
Bidens wallichii var. albiflora Max. ex Matsum.;
Ceratocephalus pilosus Rich. ex Cass.;
Coreopsis alba L.;
Coreopsis corymbifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC.;
Coreopsis leucantha L.;
Coreopsis leucorrhiza Lour.;
Coreopsis multifida DC.;
Coreopsis multifida var. multifida;
Coreopsis multifida var. mutica DC.;
Coreopsis odorata Poir.;
Coreopsis odorata Lam.;
Glossogyne chinensis Less.;
Kerneria dubia Cass.;
Kerneria pilosa (L.) Lowe;
Kerneria pilosa var. pilosa;
Kerneria pilosa var. radiata (Sch.Bip.) Lowe;
Kerneria tetragona Moench [Illegitimate];