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As the demand for products from timberlands has been increasing, the genera Eucalyptus has highlighted for its yield potential and also due to its great adaptation to Brazilian soils, which are in general moderately acid. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the growth of the hybrid Eucalyptus grancam under the, ground irrigation and fertirrigation irrigation system. The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of the University of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Campus of Aquidauana, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized by blocks with split plots design, using four blocks and two replications within each block, where irrigation treatments (micro-sprinkler, drip irrigation and no irrigation area) were the main plots and the treatments of fertilization (fertirrigation and conventional fertilization) corresponded to the subplots. Measurements of plant height and diameter at breast height between 30° (1 October, 2013) and 41° (30 September, 2014) months after planting were made to estimate the stem volume per hectare. In response to these treatments, irrigation provides greater growth in height, diameter at breast height and stem volume of the hybrid, highlighting the micro-sprinkler system. The fertilizing irrigating system presents results similar to conventional fertilization. Thus, it can be an alternative when growing Eucalyptus spp., under in-ground irrigation systems.