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  1. 12-02-2019 Session: Agriculture Extension agents often need to respond to a wide range of questions from farmers and other stake holders. This session will discuss the importance of respecting locally-developed technologies, but verifying them with scientific research before promoting them widely. Methods...
  2. 20-04-2020 The editable source documents (.docx and .pub)of these materials are available in many otherlanguages fromthe CFGB database. The source documents are updated periodically so check here for the most current formats. We encourage you to adapt the source for your purposes. Learning Outcomes –...
  3. Themainproblemfarmersfacewhilecultivatingvertisols(blacksoils)inthehighlandsofEthiopiaistemporarystagnationofwater(waterlogging),whichmakesitdifficulttogrowcrops.MostoftheareaisunavailableforfarmingduetowaterloggingduringJuly and August. Farmersnormallywaituntiltherain stopstoplantchickpeain...
  4. 28-09-2021
  5. Session:Modifications have been done to make a lowest-cost direct seeder for single and multi-row applications powered by animal draught power, prototypes which will be viewed and discussed seeking improvements for wider experimentation across the region. Biographical information:Harold Msanya is...
  6. 14-02-2019 Session: Modifications have been done to make a lowest-cost direct seeder for single and multi-row applications powered by animal draught power, prototypes which will be viewed and discussed seeking improvements for wider experimentation across the region. Biographical information: Harold Msanya...
  7. 20-04-2019 In this Issue : 5th Symposium on Sustainable Agriculture and Appropriate Technologies Environmental Conservation Empowering Small-scale Farmers with Seeds History of Maresha Plow
  8. ECHO East Africa staff have worked with Neil Rowe-Miller,Agriculture and Livelihoods Technical Advisor at Tearfund, and the local community around Arusha, Tanzania, to help adapt the Ethiopian Maresha plow for smallholder conservation agriculture applications. The attached drawings are from May,...
  9. 10-08-2023

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