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771 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Key Resource 01-01-1983 Amaranth [Amaranthus hypochondriacus, A. cruentus (grain type) & A. tricolor (vegetable type)] is an herbaceous annual with upright growth habit, cultivated for both its seeds which are used as a grain and its leaves which are used as a vegetable or green. Both leaves and seeds contain...  
  2. Edible nightshade is an erect short-lived perennial usually grown as an annual for the fresh leaves. The leaves contain protein, iron, vitamin A, and other minerals in much higher levels than European leafy vegetables such as cabbage.  
  3. Jute is an erect annual crop used primarily for fiber; however the leaves and shoot tips can be eaten and contain high levels of protein and vitamin C. Jute can be planted at the beginning of the rainy season and will withstand hot, humid months. It can also tolerate some drought conditions and...  
  4. Lettuce is a fast-growing, semi-perennialherbaceous plant grown for its edible leaves that are usually eaten raw. Lettuce is adapted to cool, moist conditions in temperate areas and above 1,000 m in the tropics.  
  5. Roselle is an annual plant with a tangy-flavored calyx used in drinks, sauces, or eaten fresh. The calyx is the fleshy structure left after the flower has faded. The leaves are edible and eaten raw or cooked. Fresh leaves contain 2-3% protein and traces of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Roselle...  
  6. Chaya is a fast-growing, drought-tolerantperennial shrub, typically reaching 3 m in height. As one of its common names "spinach tree"implies, it is grown for its dark-green leaves, which it produces in abundance. Chaya's young leaves and thick succulent stems make a tasty, nutritious, non-slimy...  
  7. Cranberry hibiscus is a medium sized, semi-perennial bush that produces edible purple-red leaves. The tangy, deep maroon leaves can be eaten raw or cooked and the flowers blended in teas or lemonade.  
  8. There are two species of Malabar spinach, Basella alba, which is green, and B. rubra, which has purple stems. The thick mucilaginous leaves are an excellent dark green leafy vegetable for hot and humid climates. Malabar spinach grows as a spreading vine along the ground or climbing on a trellis;...  
  9. Kale is a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leaves. Kale will withstand more heat than other Brassicas and is also tolerant of light frost, which can actually improve flavor. There are many varieties of leaf shape, color and height from a low mat of curled shoots to 2 m high. The...  
  10. Mustard greens are a cruciferous crop (cabbage family) grown for the leafy greens that have a slightly bitter, peppery or mustardy taste. Mustard’s dark green color makes it a very nutritious leafy vegetable that can be grown year round in many parts of the world.