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  1. The Wájaro Foundation (Wájaro) is a legal Colombian NGO and is run by a diverse Board of Directors that receives input from individuals and organizations with both local and international experience. Wájaro is an ecumenical and multidisciplinary organization with Christian character. Though...
  2. Abstract, Agriculture, 2020 In this article, we operationalized a sustainability framing based on the Sustainable Rural Livelihood Resources Framework (SLF), which consists of five capitals—human, physical, social, financial, and natural. We proposed a sustainability index (SI) for two landscapes...
  3. Abstract: The objective of this study is to estimate the levels of technical efficiency of the small pineapple farmers of Santander, Colombia, using the stochastic frontier approach. In addition, this study attempts to determine whether the acreage and some of the socioeconomic characteristics of...
  4. Mora-Delgado, Jairo. (2014). Importance of livestock in small-scale farming systems of rural coffee areas in Colombia. The Indian journal of animal sciences. Rationally oriented livestock systems play a positive role in rural livelihoods. In this study, surveys and interviews were carried out in...
  5. 01.01.1981 El libro de S. M. Bukasov, "Las Plantas Cultivadas de Mexico, GUatemala y Colombia, publicdo en 1930 en Leningrado, es hasta la fecha el estudio mas completo sobre esse tema. Aunque por su titulo pareciera estar limitado a tres de los paises mas importantes desde el punto de vista agricola en las...
  6. 01.01.1995 Sound crop and soil management such as the use of fertilizers and lime, pest and disease control, optimum planting densities and patterns, selection of appropriate crop varieties among others are fundamental to diminish soil erosion and achieve greate ryields. From the study it may be concluded...
  7. 01.01.2003 As part of a major effort to improve quality of native savanna soils for agricultural production in the Llanos of Colombia, a field experiment was established in May 1996 to determine the impact of vertical tillage, application of soil amendents and fertilizers, crop rotation and crop-pasture...

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