20.01.2021 This year ECHO held its 27th Annual Conference--but with a twist. Like many events, meetings, and occasions this year, the ECHO conference took place online. This meant the loss of the excellent face-to-face networking that has always been a hallmark of past conferences; however, a major...
27.01.2020 ECHO’s 26th Annual International Agriculture Conference was held in November 2019. Below are brief summaries of a few of the plenary sessions and workshops. These and other talks, video, and slide presentations are available on ECHOcommunity.org.
Penny discovered her passion for helping the poor while flying to Latin America as an American Airlines flight attendant. IN the nine years since she founded Miracles in Action, a non-profit, Naples, FL based charity, Penny has coordinated the construction of 46 rural schools, 20 village water...
Eric Toensmeier is the award-winning author of Paradise Lot and Perennial Vegetables, and the co-author of Edible forest Gardens. He is an appointed lecturer at Yale University and an international trainer presenting in English and Spanish in the US, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and the Caribbean....
Sjoerd is a Soil Management Specialist in the Crop Management Extension Group at Penn State University. His work concentrates on sustainable intensification using conservation agriculture. He has helped destitute youth in Kenya start a hay baling business using appropriate technologies and is...
David is an architect and spent many years leading design teams working on healthcare projects. Since 2002 he as been a member of OMF International, the Singapore-based mission agency with a vision for indigenous biblical church movements among the peoples of East Asia. David is OMF's Creation...
Brent is an extension professor of International Horticulture at the University of Kentucky. He has worked for 33 years in small farm extension and research, 15 of which were in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, and Myanmar. He most recently worked as Agriculture Program Director with the NGO...