19.10.1995 Leaf Concentrateis an extremely nutritious food used to alleviate malnutrition. The process ofmaking LC separates the protein, vitamins, and minerals from the fibrous portion of fresh green leaves. LC is very rich in vitamin A, iron, calcium, high-quality protein, and other key dietary elements....
09.02.2017 RIPAT (Rural Initiatives for Participatory Agricultural Transformation) is a participatory extension approach aims to close the agricultural technology gap as a means of improving livelihoods and self-support among rural small-scale farmers. The approach is as well a documented step-by-step guide...
19.10.1994 In some parts of the world people roast sorghum, as is done with corn (roasting ears) in the United States. Roasting bird resistant sorghum at the dough stage may not sufficiently remove the cyanogenic glycoside dhurrin.