Edible: Fruit, Leaves, Root, Leaves - tea
A large twining shrub. The twigs are cylinder shape and tapering. The leaves are 5-12 cm long by 3-4 cm wide. They are narrowly oval. They are more pale underneath. The flowers are in tufts of 3-6. They are in large groups 12-15 cm long at the ends of branches. The fruit is fleshy and 8-20 mm long. The seed is covered in a hard coat and is flattened and smooth.
It is a tropical plant. It grows in mountain forests and the edges of forests below 2,600 m in China. In Sichuan and Yunnan.
Common Names: Amili, Helonia, Kala lag, Kouloi, Rungyeong rik, Sugreekung, Year ao, Year-ow
Ziziphus floribunda Wall.;