ECHO Asia Agriculture & Community Development Conference 2019
Presented By: ECHO Asia
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1 de অক্টোবার de 2019 16:42
Event Contact:
Daniela (DJ) Riley (
Phone: +66 (0)53304028
"Small Scale: Up Scale"
How can we help small scale farming initiatives thrive in Asia? We can provide low-cost, innovative options that allow people to grow both their crops and their knowledge, expand their operations, and scale up!
Join us October 1-4 for 3-days of networking and opportunities to share ideas, technologies appropriate for small scale farmers, and lots of practical demonstrations at the new ECHO Asia Seed Bank & Small Farm Resource Center!
In addition to morning plenary speakers, we will conduct afternoon workshops at the ECHO Farm, an evening poster session, a seed exchange, followed by a 1-day site visit to one of many area best practice sites!