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  1. This collection of farmer training materials was originally developed by Canadian Foodgrains Bank and African Conservation Tillage Network staff to support agricultural training projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The authors encourage agriculture development practitioners to submit ideas or requests...
  2. 1/07/2013 Conservation agriculture (CA) has been promoted in East Africa through a number of initiatives over the past half year. In this article, we share what ECHO has gleaned from regional partners, in hopes that you can expand upon these successes and also promote further sharing on ECHO’s website....
  3. Farmers in many parts of the world, because of human population growth, have little choice but to crop their land continuously, with scarce resources to replace nutrients withdrawn by each successive crop. Crop residues are often lost as a source of organic matter and mulch, usually through...
  4. 20/11/2019 Session :This presentation will cover ways that Institute for Affordable Transportation (IAT) and its partners have been creating appropriate technology to integrate mechanization into Farming God’s Way (FGW). IAT’s farming history began with food plot implements and then transitioned to...
  5. Soil living organisms, including the large-sized (macrofauna) and small-/medium-sized (mesofauna) organisms, among others, play important roles in improving soil conditions and driving ecosystem stability, nutrient availability, and improvement of soil fertility. These organisms can break down...
  6. Session:The session will focus on highlighting and sharing with the participants the lessons learned from implementing two food security programs promoting CA principles inEastern (Tharaka Nitii), Central (Muranga), Rift Valley (Nakuru) and Western Kenya (Busia) in the last 5-7 years.Even though...
  7. Session:The major factor in the increase in droughts across Africa has been caused mostly by the gradual death of fallowing, and the resulting decrease in rainwater infiltration from about 60% down to 20% in most areas. GM/CCs are the only feasible way to save Africa from the rapidly increasing...
  8. Biographical information:Ken Giller,Professor of Plant Production Systems, Wageningen University -joined Wageningen in 2001 after holding professorships at Wye College, University of London, and the University of Zimbabwe. He currently heads up a multifaceted project,N2Africa, which puts nitrogen...
  9. Thisvideo details efforts made by SANREM Innovation Lab's LTRA-12 team, led by Dr. Manuel Reyes at NC A&T. This video, directed by Jun Mercado, talks about their efforts to spread CAPS (conservation agriculture production systems) in the Philippines.
  10. 30/04/2015 We recently learned of correspondence among several network members on the topic of Conservation Agriculture (CA) in areas of heavy rain. The information seemed potentially helpful for others in ECHO’s network, so we are sharing it here.