বাংলা (bn) | Change Language (Change Language)
  1. Edible portion : Tubers, Root, Leaves, Vegetable, Leaf Stalk, Stem A herb up to 2 m tall. It has a short stem. At the top of the stem it produces large leaves. A corm is produced at the base of the plant. It produces about 10 cormels on the underground corm. These are about 15-25 cm long and...
  2. Edible Portion: Fruit, Seeds, Nuts, Leaves, Flowers, Vegetable An erect, branched evergreen tree. It can grow to 10-40 m high and is long lived. (Trees grown by vegetative means are smallerand more compact.) Trees spread to 15 m across. It has strong deep roots. The trunk is thick. The bark is...
  3. Edible portion: Fruit A tree up to 15 m high that branches near the base giving a spreading open tree. The leaves are smaller (25 cm x 10 cm) and more pointed than Malay apple and on short stalks. Flowers are about 3 cm wide and white. They are on leafy twigs. It produces clusters of attractive...
  4. Edible portion: Fruit A tree. It can grow 50 m tall. The trunk is straight and 1-1.2 m across. The base has buttresses. It can have stilt roots in flooded forest. The twigs are densely covered with grey hairs when young. The leaves are alternate and the leaf blade is papery. They are broadly oval...
  5. Edible portion:Shoots A bamboo. It is an erect plant and forms tillers. It grows 10-20 m tall. The young culms have dense hairs. These stems can be 3-15 cm across. The walls can be 1 cm thick. The internodes are 30-65 cm long. The angles of the leaf sheath is rounded on the upper section. The...
  6. Edible Portion: Leaves, Fruit, Spice A low shrubby tree up to 6 or 8 m high. The trunk is thin and crooked. It has slender sharp thorns. The leaf petiole has verylarge lobes. The leaf is oval. The leaves can be 8-15 cm long by 3-5 cm wide including the leafy stalks. The leaves are darkgreen and...
  7. Edible portion:Leaves, Bark A tree that loses its leaves. It grows 15-25 m tall. The trunk is 1 m across. The leaves are 30-60 cm long and twice divided. There are 16-20 pinnae and each on has 20-40 oval leaflets. These are 5-25 mm long and 4-10 mm wide. The flowers are yellow and 3-4 cm across....
  8. Edible portion:Leaves, Fruit, Flowers, Bark, Leaves - tea, Manna, Vegetable A small tree up to 9 m high but it can grow to 20 m tall. Often it is low and spreading. It has dark green toothed leaves. The leaves vary considerably in shape even on the one tree. They can be oval, heart shaped or 3...
  9. Edible portion:Fruit, Leaves, Roots, Seeds-oil, Stems, Flowers An erect shrub. Seedling trees develop an exposed tuber. From this 3-5 broad leaflets emerge. Then the plant branches and produces longer leaves with many widely spaced leaflets. These leaves fall. The flowers are pink and occur in...
  10. Edible portion:Shoots? A bamboo. It is a tropical plant. At ECHO Other names : Amisa, Ba-ki-tape, Cana guadua, Chhononofo cugu, Garipa, Guagua rayada, Huamma, Hueca, Ipa, Kapi tape, Kenku, Marona, Otate, Pakika, Peak, Puru puru. Tacuara, Tacuaruzu, Tanish, Tzajib, Wamak, Synonyms : Arundarbor...