1/01/1978 Useful food loss estimates are possible, however, as is improvement in food conservation. This study is devoted to assessing both the potential of food loss reduction efforts and their limiations. Itsummarizes existing work and information about losses of the major food crops and fish; discusses...
1/01/1978 Wortman and Cummings forcefully arque that affluent nations must make their financial and technical resources more readily available to the developing world, and in ways that contribute much more effectively to rapid increases in output and to wide-spread improvements in the purchasing power of...
1/01/1975 Examines social, economic, and political aspects of international hunger and of its possible alleviation and explains how the ordinary person can help to shape public policy conducive to greater, more effective efforts toward alleviation.
1/01/1966 This book introduces an evaluation of protein resources and requirements on a world basis. It attempts first to summarize available date on the supply of food protein, then appraise these supplies in terms of the quantities and per capita distribution necessary for adequate nutrition. Then the...
This manual is an effort to show that individual city residents can produce more food for their personal consumption and to earn income, and that significant quanitites of food can be grown in urban centers by applying thoughtful, knowledgeable food-production strategies. Careful selection of...
By now it is clear that the techniques of the first "Green Revolution" that averted mass starvation a generation ago --pesticides, chemical fertilizers, focusing on a few key crops--are threatening the food supply for future generations. Interestingly, the solution to this dilemma seems most...
In Stolen Harvest, Vandana Shiva charts the impacts of globalized, corporate agriculture on small farmers, the environment, and the quality of the food we eat. With chapters on genetically engineered seeds, patents on life, mad cows and sacred cows, and the debate about genetic engineering and...
1/01/1962 This book is intended for use in evaluating dietary data bases on records of group consumption; the tables are not suitable for detailed surveys of the diets of indiviuals nor for precise nutritional investigations on individual humanand animal sujbects--for these, analyses of the actual food...
20/01/2018 “Charles Massy has written a definitive masterpiece that takes its place along with the writings of Aldo Leopold, Wendell Berry, Masanobu Fukuoka, Humberto Maturana, and Michael Pollan. No work has more brilliantly defined regenerative agriculture and the breadth of its restorative impact upon...
Key ResourceDo you want to make a true difference in the world? Dr. Ron Sider does. He has, since before he first published Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger in 1978. Despite a dramatic reduction in world hunger since then, 34,000 children still die daily of starvation and preventable disease, and 1.3...