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  1. 1/01/2015 One of the newest additions to the ECHO Global Farm is the Natural Farming Pig System located in the Tropical Lowlands area. This component is based on the Natural Farming approach developed in East and Southeast Asia which focuses on harnessing the impact of beneficial microbes for enhancing...
  2. 29/12/2014 Agricultural Prosperity in Dry Africa contains a wealth of practical suggestions for dealing with the problems facing dryland farmers in Africa. He discusses crops, strategies, and technologies that lead to increased production and income for farmers with limited resources.
  3. 20/10/2015 After attending the ECHO conference in 2010, small-scale farmerEmile decided to apply the method of the FFF or FPA (foundations for agriculture). Other farmers in the region socoffed at him for digging holes and planting according to the methods he had learned. However, the surprise of Emile, and...
  4. 12/04/2016 ECHO FIRST NIGERIAN FORUM This ECHO forum aims the strengthening of networking for the benefit of people fighting against hunger, poverty and those serving the poor in Africa. Plenary sessions will be conducted during three mornings by persons of value from Nigeria and from the West African...
  5. Presentations from the 2015 ECHO West Africa Anglophone Forum held in Accra Ghana.
  6. 26/03/2015 There is abundance in the ordinary – that which is often unseen or overlooked – that can be harnessed to change mindsets, resource use, and community benefits. Beth Doerr presents examples, experiences and thoughts that enlighten, challenge and guide communities to discover the abundance in their...
  7. 26/03/2015 Our west African agriculture is facing a lot of challenges, some are natural some are from human action identifying those challenges is a good point first step for action. Avedzidah attended University of Ghana, Legon and obtained National Diploma in General Agriculture. Proceeded to the...
  8. 31/03/2015 ECHOcommunity member Jean Apedoh is a trained agronomist from Togo who has become a recognized authority in West Africa on a technique used to increase rice yields called SRI. Jean first came across the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) at the 2010 ECHO West Africa Forum through a presentation...
  9. WorkshopPresentations from the 2015 ECHO West Africa Anglophone Forum held in Accra Ghana.
  10. 26/03/2015 The horticulture sub-sector is a very important segment of Agriculture. It plays a vital role in income generation, foreign exchange earnings, employment and food security The horticulture sub-sector has the potential for the needed diversification of the exports base, modernization of...