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65 items found ( Showing 1 - 10)
  1. Stu Campbell In 1975, Let it Rot! helped start the composting movement and taught gardeners everywhere how to recycle waste to create soil-nourishing compost. Contains advice for starting and maintaining a composting system, building bins, and using compost. Third Edition. Stop bagging leaves, grass, and...
    631.875 CAM | PD.011
  2. David Cleveland & Daniela Soleri Food from Dryland Gardens encourages gardens that serve local needs, that are based on local knowledge, and that conserve natural resources and the biological diversity of traditional crops. It was written for field workers, extension agents, students, project workers, and program planners. Both...
    635.043 CLE | PD.043
  3. Toby Hemenway Second Edition The first edition of Gaia's Garden, sparked the imagination of Americas home gardeners, introducing permacultures central message: Working with Nature, not against her, results in more beautiful, abundant, and forgiving gardens. This extensively revised and expanded second edition...
    635.048 HEM
  4. Julia Frances Morton This 505 page book is an exceptionally exhaustive source of information on tropical and subtropical fruits. It is a well-illustrated and very readable, practical guide for those interested in growing tropical and subtropical fruits either for the home garden or commercially. The fruits are...
    634.091 MOR | PI.006
  5. Franklin W. Martin, Ruth M. Ruberte, Laura S. Meitzner Third Edition [library also has 2 copies of the 1975edition] People interested in tropical gardening or botany will find this an indispensable guide to several hundred species of plants with edible leaves. Leaves can provide high-quality food, and in the tropics, many are from perennials...
    581.632 MAR | PD.004, PD.015
  6. Renee Shepherd et al This book includes almost three hundred recipes for a great variety of vegetables, fragrant herbs and edible flowers.
    641.65 SHE
  7. Steve Meyerowitz Turn nuts, vegetable seeds, grains, and beans into gourmet food. Includes recipes for sprout breads, cookies, crackers, soups, pizza, bagels, dressings, dips, spreads, sautes, nondairy milks, and ice-creams. Also food dehydrating, juicing, natural sodas, and foods glossary.
    641.651 MEY
  8. Shepherd Ogden All you want or need to know to grow a marvelous Kitchen Garden!Thisbooksconsentrates on flavorful, high yieldintensivelygrown plants and it is an attrative and inegralpart of your over all gardenand outdoorliving space, apposed to beingplantedin some remote or hidden corner of the yard.
    635.097 OGD
  9. June Walker et al This publication discribes how to construct a kitchen garden in English and Chichewa. 18 pgs illustrations
    635. WAL
  10. Van Atta, Marian (Author), Marlan Atta (Author) With over thirty years experience cultivating tropical and subtropical fruits and vegetables, author Marian Van Atta brings the exotic home in the second edition of this popular guide: Learn how to take full advantage of year-round warm weather (or your sun porch or greenhouse if you live in a...