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8 items found ( Showing 1 - 8)
  1. Susan Stewart Learning Together; The Agricultural Worker's Participatory Sourcebook This book was designed for any agricultural or livestock worker who is or will be training farmers. It is for people designing training programs, and for farmers and professionals who are trainers. This book contains many...
    630.71 STE | DB.012
  2. Lora Petrie-Hanson et al This booklet was prepared as an aid for people working in areas where there are limited resources for information and assistance. CVM's main purpose is to provide some common basic practices for fish farmers to use, in order to establish a good, sound and economically viable aquaculture. 2 Copies...
    639.3 HAN
  3. David Werner, Carol Thurman, Jane Maxwell, Lisa de Avila Donde ho hay doctores más que un libro de primeros auxilios. Trata sobre muchas cosas que afectan la salud del campesino, desde la diarrea hasta la tuberculosis, desde el buen y mal uso de los remedios caseros hasta el uso cuidadoso de ciertas medicinas modernas. El libro hace hincapié en la...
    636.089 BIR SPANISH
  4. Bob Beede This book has the same information as the first edition, but with some of the language simplified for those who are reading English as a second language. It includes a glossary of terms. It covers all aspects of horse care from selection of healthy equines, to equine first aid and dental care. (1...
    636.1 BEE
  5. Dr. Peter Quesenberry 《动物健康手册》一书,其构思已有多年。早在1985 年,已故的比利.贝克博士就正式开始了 此项工作。那时,作为一名兽医工作者,贝克博士在拉丁美洲的海地已工作8 年了,他深刻 认识到家畜在当今世界的绝大多数农村人口中所起的重要作用。于是,他设想写一本实用的书, 对生活在“没有兽医的地方”的人民有用。本书扩大了原来的想法,并明确地提出读者对象是 对家畜卫生与保健有兴趣的人们,不管他们是否自己拥有家畜。在本书里,我们称这些工作者 为“兽防员”。
  6. Peter N Quesenberry, et al. This is an amazing manual covering animal functions of all the major domestic animals. It contains an incredible amount of information in one volume. It is written in a simple, easy to understand style, supplemented with many good illustrations. This book was developed to benefit rural people in...
    636.089 QUE | BA.008, AB.071, BC.128
  7. Peter N Quesenberry, et al. This is an amazing manual covering animal functions of all the major domestic animals. It contains an incredible amount of information in one volume. It is written in a simple, easy to understand style, supplemented with many good illustrations. This book was developed to benefit rural people in...
    636.089 QUE
  8. Peter N Quesenberry, et al. Il s'agit d'un manuel étonnant couvrant les fonctions animales de tous les principaux animaux domestiques. Il contient une quantité incroyable d'informations en un seul volume. Il est écrit dans un style simple et facile à comprendre, complété par de nombreuses bonnes illustrations. Ce livre a...
    636.089 QUE FRENCH

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