Yellow and Black Sigatoka Diseases
The symptoms of Yellow and Black Sigatoka are caused by the fungi Mycosphaerrala sp. and occur throughout the world. It is one of the most destructive diseases of banana.
- Ewané, C. , Tatsegouock, R. , Meshuneke, A. and Niemenak, N. (2020) Field Efficacy of a Biopesticide Based onTithonia diversifoliaagainst Black Sigatoka Disease of Plantain (Musaspp., AAB).Agricultural Sciences,11, 730-743. doi:10.4236/as.2020.118048. Abstract Black Sigatoka disease (BSD) is a...
- Abstract Climate change has significantly altered species distributions in the wild and has the potential to affect the interactions between pests and diseases and their human, animal and plant hosts. While several studies have projected changes in disease distributions in the future, responses...
- Aman M, Rai VR 2015 – Antifungal activity of fungicides and plant extracts against yellow sigatoka disease causing Mycosphaerella musicola. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 5(3), 277–284, Doi 10.5943/cream/5/3/11 Abstract Mycosphaerella musicola causes yellow sigatoka...