INGENAES Activity Sheets for Integrating Gender and Nutrition in Agricultural Extension Workshop

INGENAES: Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services
INGENAES is designed to assist partners in Feed the Future countries ( to build more robust, gender-responsive, and nutrition-sensitive institutions, projects and programs capable of assessing and responding to the needs of both men and women farmers through EAS; disseminate gender-appropriate and nutrition-enhancing technologies and access to inputs to improve women’s agricultural productivity and enhance household nutrition; identify, test efficacy, and scale proven mechanisms for delivering improved EAS to women farmer; and apply effective, nutrition-sensitive, extension.
We collaborate with agricultural extension, gender and nutrition experts worldwide, supporting extension providers in focus countries to:
- Integrate service delivery mechanisms that better reach women farmers and promote nutrition sensitive agriculture
- Assist stakeholders in designing and implementing gender-transformative, nutrition-sensitive activities
- Partner in innovative learning exchanges
- Carry out needs-based assessments and applied research
- Create mentoring programs and strengthen networks
- Support farmer organizations
- Hold regional technology fairs and virtual marketplaces