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  1. Kamanda, Philip & Mensah, Albert & Ramorathudi Motaung, Masa & Akaba, Selorm. (2023). Status of rice post-harvest value addition by smallholder farmers in the Southern Region of Sierra Leone. Smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone are characterized by their socio-demographic...
  2. L'Ebola és una malaltia amb un alt risc de mortalitat, causada pel virus de l'Ebola. Actualment no existeix cap cura o vacuna. Tot i que la malaltia és perillosa i pot matar ràpidament, podem evitar la seva propagació. El tractament precoç de la malaltia augmenta les possibilitats de...
  3. 20-03-2018 This book is designed as a simple introduction to the more common food plants of Sierra Leone. It is hoped people will take greater pride and interest in these plants and become confident and informed about how to grow and use them. Many of the local food plants that occur in every country are...

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