Dalbergia cochinchinensis is a rather slow-growing, large evergreen tree with a spherical, profusely branched crown; it can grow 25 - 30 metres tall[337]. The bole is up to 60cm in diameter, with exceptional specimens to 120cm[598]. The tree yields a highly prized, very attractive, aromatic wood known as 'rosewood'. It is commonly exploited commercially from the wild. This is one of 33 species named as being a suitable Hongmu (red wood) timber, used for producing high quality Chinese furniture following traditions from the Ming and Quing dynasty, which makes it a particularly valuable wood[1791] Because of over-exploitation of this tree for its timber, coupled with habitat destruction, it is listed as 'Vulnerable' in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(2009)[338 ].
A nitrogen fixing species, it is suitable for use in agroforestry and for soil improvement[337].
Southeast Asia - Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam.
Cite as: Tropical Plants Database, Ken Fern. 2024-07-11.