Overview of Feed the Future
This 30-minute, self-guided module provides an overview of Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative.
Introduction to Food Security
Self-guided, 25-minute module introduces development practitioners to the four pillars of food security: availability, access, utilization and stability.
Trends in Global Grain and Food Retail Markets - Impact on Small Farmers
This brief online course summarizes developments in global grain and food retail markets, and ramifications for smallholder farmer participation in urban and middle-income markets.
Resilience Training: Measurement, Livelihood Diversification and Sustainable Poverty Escapes
Hour-long modules contain key concepts, priorities and considerations for resilience programming. It builds upon An Introduction to Resilience at USAID and Beyond.
An Introduction to Resilience at USAID and Beyond
This self-paced, 50 minute course introduces the basics of resilience as an analytic, programmatic, and organizing concept and discusses USAID's resilience work to date.
Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Programming
This three-hour, online course supports the Feed the Future nutrition-sensitive agricultural programming guidance.
SPS Plant Health Distance Learning Modules
These courses provide an overview of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) topics related to plant health and international trade of agricultural goods.
Food Security and Agriculture Core Course
This course incorportates USAID's focus for food security and agriculture development under the Global Food Security Strategy and expanding work in nutrition and resilience.
Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture (WEAI) 101
This in-person course is designed to provide participants with a foundational knowledge of the WEAI and its results to better understand its role in gender-responsive programming.
Gender Integration Framework (GIF) 101
This in-person course is designed to provide participants with knowledge of the GIF and offer initial practice in using it in their specific context.
Feed The Future Performance Monitoring - Skills Development Course
Performance monitoring is critical for planning, managing and documenting Feed the Future project success. Access course materials here.
Climate-Smart Agriculture
Feed the Future employs a climate-smart approach that draws on state-of-the-art science and policy.
Logical Framework Analysis for USAID Projects
The Logical Framework has proven extremely valuable for project design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
Cost-Benefit Analysis Training
A cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is an effective way to evaluate a project and quantify the relationships among a project’s inputs, outputs and purpose.
Growing Entrepreneurs in Agriculture
This course explores Entrepreneurship education to improve local economies globally and as a pathway to engaging youth in agriculture and keeping them in rural areas.
Teaching Gender to Secondary and Tertiary Students
This course helps facilitators engage youth in gender-based topics of agriculture and to analyze whether they are forming judgments of skill and responsibility based on gender norms.
and more