1. 2015-10-06 Speaker Bio: Samuel Gurel is a certified SCAA Q Grader instructor and has instructed several Q grader classes in China. Samuel has been involved in all aspects of the coffee industry for the past 10 years and has been on the judging committees of several barista competitions. He has presented...
  2. 2015-10-06 Speaker Bio: Tom Love has been involved in management of relief and development organizations and the private sector, mostly in SE Asia, for over 35 years. He has been married to Kathy for 36 years and has 4 grown children. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Economics and...
  3. 2015-10-06
  4. 2015-10-06
  5. 2015-01-28 An overview of various microbial pesticide options and how they are used.
  6. 2015-01-28 Learning about pest control - applying BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) and BS (Bacillus subtilis); demonstration on creating natural pesticides from herbs.
  7. 2015-01-28 Introducing trichoderma, a biocontrol, how it is used, and how to produce it.
  8. 2016-01-27 A description of the biocontrol Beuveria, how it is used, and how to produce it.
  9. The mission of IDE,is to create income opportunities for poor rural households. Downloads related to various technologies being promoted by IDE (treadle pumps, rope pumps, water storage systems) include a very informative drip irrigation manual that can be accessed IDE views productive water as...
  10. 2015-12-02 A brief overview of ECHO Asia's history, work, and services available to network members working in the Asia region.