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Some 3 billion people in the world live outside the cash economy in the world’s poorest nations. Food security and regular supply are their daily concerns. Chronic malnutrition is a leading cause of death and disease for them. Young children are amongst the most affected. One child every 5-10 seconds dies from undernutrition. Vitamin A deficiency causes night blindness for someone every minute. Most people in tropical and subtropical countries are iron deficient.

Our goal is to provide information that enables people to choose the right plant for their environment, to give them stable food production and a greater choice of plants to enrich their diets and improve their nutritional wellbeing.

The plant fact sheets listed in this collection are only a small portion of those available from FPI.   Please check your plant inquiries in the ECHO Search and reference the FPI plant database for further information.

Most of the plants selected to list here are further described in country-specific publications by Food Plant Solutions (FPS in the Search).


8000 Starchy Staples

7000 Legumes

6000 Leafy Greens

5000 Fruits

4000 Vegetables

3000 Nuts, Seeds, Herbs, and other foods


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Lactuca sativa

Edible: Leaves, Seeds, Vegetable

A leafy vegetable which forms a heart or clump of tightly wrapped leaves under cool temperature conditions. The leaves are often pale green. Plants are about 20 cm high. In the tropics a leafy annual grown for its succulent crisp radical leaves. The lowland species has loose leaves, crumpled with frilly margins while the leaves of the highland variety fold over the growing point to form a head; with light green almost white leaves of a greasy texture and coarse veins and prominent midrib. There are many lettuce varieties.

A temperate plant. Plants are grown throughout the country of Papua New Guinea but particularly in the highlands and mainly for sale. It grows best between 700-2,350 m above sea level in PNG. Leafy forms are used in cooking in many parts of Asia. It suits hardiness zones 6-11.

Common Names: Lettuce, Alface, Alfase, Chisa, Daun salad, Lechuga, Lekuke, Letesi, Letisi, Letsugas, Marul, Salad-pata, Salad, Saladi, Sangchu, Selada, Shang ts'oi, Sheng Cai, Sung chi, Sung choi, Vrtna solata, Woh sun


Lactuca capitata (L.) DC.;
Lactuca crispa (L.) Roth;
Lactuca palmata Willd.;
Lactuca sativa subsp. asparagina;
Lactuca sativa subsp. capitata (L.) Chubl. & G. Martens;
Lactuca scariola var. sativa C.B. Clarke;

Lagerstroemia cochinchinensis

Edible:  Leaves

A tree. It grows about 20 m tall. The branches are slender. The bark is pale brown. The young shoots and small leaves are hairy. The leaves are narrowly oval and taper to the tip. The base is rounded. They are 4-11 cm long by 2-6 cm wide. The flowering panicles are near the ends of the branches. They are hairy. The fruit is a capsule about 1 cm long. The seeds has wings.

It is a tropical plant.

Common Names: Bang lang, Nam bo


Lagerstroemia macrocarpa

Edible: Leaves

A deciduous tree. It grows 10-13 m tall. The bark is light grey and scaly. It is deeply furrowed. The leaves are oblong and 8-15 cm long. They are leathery. The flower petals are crinkled and clawed. They are pink. The flowers are 8-10 cm wide. They are in dense short clusters. The fruit is a round capsule.

A tropical plant. It grows in open country and along river banks. It grows well in seasonally moist and dry areas. It needs an average but well-drained soil. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common Names: Giant crape myrtle, Rose-of-India, Bang lang trai to, Bongor ayer, Bungor, Bungur ayer, Intanin bok, Inthanin-bok

Lagerstroemia speciosa

Edible: Leaves - tea, Dried fruit - tea

A tree. It grows 20 m tall. The trunk is short and twisted. The crown is dense and rounded. The brown is cream grey and peels in thin flakes. The leaves are 8-18 cm long by 5-8 cm wide. Leaves are smooth. Old leaves become orange-red. The flowers are 5-8 cm across. They are bright pink to purple. They are in clusters 30-40 cm long near the crown. The fruit are 2-3 cm wide.

It is a tropical plant. It grows in forests and along roadsides in Vietnam. In Rockhampton Botanical gardens.

Common Names: Giant crepe myrtle, Banaba, Bang lang nuoc, Gawkng-uchyamang, Hani, Jarul, Mai-sa-hpong, Pohon bungur raty, Pyinma, Pyinma-yetthey, Thwemu

Lantana camara

Edible: Fruit, Leaves, Leaves - tea, Root - tea

An evergreen shrub. It grows to 3 m high and spreads to 3 m across but under some conditions can be much more spreading and pose problems. The stem is erect and woody at the base. The stem has 4 angles and prickles which curve backwards. The leaves are small and oval. They are 1.5-8.5 cm long by 0.8-6 cm wide. They have a rough surface. The flowers are pale cream and very small. They are arranged in dense heads which are 2.5 cm across. The fruit are berries which turn black when ripe. The ripe fruit are edible. Various cultivated varieties have been produced with attractive coloured flowers. Some of the orange coloured forms are poisonous to animals.

It is a tropical and subtropical plant. It is drought resistant but can be damaged by frost. They need a temperature above 10°C. In Nepal they grow to about 1500 m altitude. In PNG it grows from sea level to 2,200 m above sea level. It needs a well-drained soil. It can grow in full or part sun. In Tanzania it grows up to 2,000 m above sea level and in areas with a rainfall between 1,100-1,800 mm. It suits hardiness zones 9-12. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Lantana, English sage bush, Abelwinyo, Aruppu, Baduwa hara, Banmara, Banphada, Bantulsi, Boesmandruiwe, Caa mara, Camara, Cariaquillo colorado, Chou hua, Cinco negritos, Dieng-sohpang-khlieh, Elatana, Filigrana, Galphusia, Ganda pana, Gangutai, Gangutri, Ghaneri, Imomwa-ajele, Japumato, Jarayan, Jerenga, Jhurmuta, Kaamoni, Kamkung, Kamuni, Kashikothan, Kembang kerasi jambon, Kai puaka, Kembang tembelekan, Kitavisi, Kongini, Lantana daun lebar, Latina, Madhumaalti, Magwagwa, Mainkanda, Mangashetsu, Masino kanda, Maviamkuku, Mbarapati, Meina, Midan dubra, Mjasasa, Morita, Mshomoro, Mucimoro, Mukiti, Mushomoro, Musomolo, Pakakrong, Putus, Radriaka, Red sage bush, Roimboza, Siete negritos, Spreminjevalka, Tantani, Tek-tagwari, Tiundica, Tshidzimbambule, Ubuhobe besukhiwa, Uni, Unnichedi, Wild sage, Yeregna genfo


Lantana aculeata Linn.;
Lantana antillana Raf.;
Lantana asperata Vis.;
Lantana crocea Jacq.;
Lantana mexicana Turner;
Lantana mixta Medik.;
Lanata urticifolia Mill;
and others

Laportea interrupta

Edible: Leaves

A small herb up to 60 cm high but it can grow to 2m. It has stinging hairs. The stems are woody at the base. The leaves are alternate. They are produced on 3-7 cm long leaf stalks. The leaves are toothed at the edge. The leaves are 8-13 cm long by 4-6 cm wide. They have a papery texture. The flowers are greenish in small clusters. Flowers are of separate sexes but on the same plant. They grow in the axils of leaves on a longish stalk. This stalk can be 10 cm long. The fruit is one celled and dry. It is about 1.5 cm long. It has a smooth wing like edge.

A tropical plant. It is widespread in the lowland tropics mostly below 700 m altitude. It grows best in part shade. It grows in savannah woodland. In Yunnan.

Common Names: Hen’s nettle, Island nettle, Choriyan, Choriyanam, Kyet-phet-yar, Ogoogo, Ogoogo toto, Palilolia, Phet-yar-pho, Usogo, Yoyol


Fleurya interrupta (L.) Gaud.;
Urtica interrupta L.;

Lasia spinosa

Edible: Leaves, Roots, Fruit, Flowers, Leaf stalk, Rhizome

A big leafy herb. It often has a creeping rhizome. It grows to 40-120 cm high. The stems are thorny. Leaves grow out of the ground. They are sword shaped or with lobes extending three-quarters of the way to the midrib. The leaves are thorny along the veins. Leaves are 30-45 cm long and 25 cm wide. The leaf stalk is 25-50 cm long. Leaves are medium green. The leaf like structure around the flower is twisted and opens out only at the base. It is 15-30 cm long and brown. The flowers occur tightly together without flower stalks. The flowers have both sexes. They are like a cylinder and 2-3 cm long by 7.5 mm wide. They increase to three times this size. The fruit is green, fleshy and spiny. It is composed of a berry which is oval and has a sharp point at the top. It is 1 cm long. The seed are 5 mm long and 3.5 mm wide.

A big leafy herb. It often has a creeping rhizome. It grows to 40-120 cm high. The stems are thorny. Leaves grow out of the ground. They are sword shaped or with lobes extending three-quarters of the way to the midrib. The leaves are thorny along the veins. Leaves are 30-45 cm long and 25 cm wide. The leaf stalk is 25-50 cm long. Leaves are medium green. The leaf like structure around the flower is twisted and opens out only at the base. It is 15-30 cm long and brown. The flowers occur tightly together without flower stalks. The flowers have both sexes. They are like a cylinder and 2-3 cm long by 7.5 mm wide. They increase to three times this size. The fruit is green, fleshy and spiny. It is composed of a berry which is oval and has a sharp point at the top. It is 1 cm long. The seed are 5 mm long and 3.5 mm wide.

Common Names: Lasia, Livid flower, Unicorn plant, Asi ange, Bob nam, Changhrat, Chengmora, Chibru, Choc gai, Chonggi, Chusot, Gali-gali, Gegeli, Geli-geli, Golonta, Gongal-kanda, Hamwey, Henru ehong, Hotuplo, Janum saru, Jokha, Kanta kachoramu, Kanta kachu, Kanta saru, Kata kachu, Kattosh, Kebeibua, Kohila, Kohowila, Laksmana, Mop, Mulasari, Nchew, Neerugaddalu, Ngambing, Nhaam, Pachak, Pak naam, Pak-nam, Palang, Phak haam, Phak naam, Rashia supinosa, Rau gai, Ray gai, Sambeng, Sampi, Seng mora, Shidabu, Shir gantha, Sibru, Sor vi, Thatha khlao, Thwaites sampi, Unikon, Yang dou, Zayit


Dracontium spinosum Linnaeus;
Lasia aculeata Lour.;
Lasia crassifolia Engl.;
Lasia descuscens Schott;
Lasia hermannii Schott;
Lasia heterophylla (Roxb.) Schott;
Lasia jenkinsii Schott;
Lasia roxburghii Griff.;
Lasia zollingeri Schott;
Pothos heterophyllus Roxb.;
Pothos lasia Roxb.;
Pothos spinosus (L.) Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.;
Lasia macrophylla Schott.; ?

Leea indica

Edible: Leaves, Roots, Fruit, Seeds, Stems, Vegetable

A shrub or small tree. It grows 5 m tall. There are prickles along the stem. The leaves are twice divided and there are 8-18 pairs of pinnae. There are up to 50 pairs of pinnules on each pinnae. The flowers are yellow. They are in large clusters at the ends of branches. The pods are flattened.

It is a tropical plant. It often grows on clay and alluvial soils and near ditches. It can grow in arid places.

Common Names: Bandicoot berry, Andha yiza, Bandheras, Deola, Dula, Harjud, Jangli bhindi, Kapasiya, Kasturi, Kathivendai, Nella-bende, Parupubenda, Ran bhendi, Taw-yonbade


Abelmoschus alborubens Benth.;
Abelmoschus alboruber F. Muell.;
Abelmoschus strictus Voigt.;
Hibiscus ficulneus L.;
Hibiscus sinuatus Cay.;
Laguna aculeata Cav.;

Leea rubra

Edible: Fruit, Leaves

A shrub which keeps growing from year to year. It is 1-3 m high. The stems are somewhat woody. The leaves are large and dark-green. The leaves are compound and twice divided. The whole leaf is 40 cm long. This is divided into 2-3 segments which is then divided into 2-3 leaflets. A leaflet may be 6.5-20 cm long by 3.5-7 cm wide. There are teeth around the edge. Flowers are small and deep pink or red. They are 0.3-0.5 cm across. Many flowers occur together on large flower arrangements up to 15 cm across. The fruit are flattened lobed berries. They are 0.6-0.8 cm across. They are bright red and turn black when ripe. The fruit are edible.

A tropical plant. They grow naturally in coastal monsoon vine-forests. It grows in low, wet areas of mixed deciduous forest in Thailand. In the Cairns Botanical Gardens. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common Names: Red Hawaiian holly, Red tree-vine, Anwak, Dhalarrmung, Ginggiyang beureum, Kah-dung-bai, Leea, Mali-mali puchok merah, Nagamauk-ni


Leea brunoniana C. B. Clarke;

Lepisanthes rubiginosa

Edible: Fruit, Leaves

A shrub 1-3 m tall. It can grow to 10 m tall. It can spread 1-2 m wide. Trunks can occasionally be 35 cm across. The young branches are slightly grooved. They are covered with brown hairs. The leaves are 10-30 cm long and divided. There are 4-18 leaflets. These are 3-24 cm long by 3-6 cm wide. They are oval or oblong and largest towards the tip. They are dark green and leathery. There are brown hairs on both surfaces. The flower panicle is 10-35 cm long and it has many branches. The flowers are 0.6 cm across. They are white. The fruit is a capsule. The fruit are small and purple. They grow in clusters.

A tropical plant. It grows in secondary forest. On thin, poor soils it is only a shrub. In Indonesia it grows up to 1200 m altitude. It grows in monsoonal forest. It suits tropical and warm subtropical locations. It suits hardiness zones 10-12.

Common Names: Rusty sapindus, Abigran, Anga-banga, Bak huat kaa, Bak-wa, Baraharina, Borobogan, Chunlous, Chunluhs donkay, Chyabu, Chyabu-nui, Damai, Huat lao, Ishi rashi, Jalkusum, Kamsam, Kasam, Katilayu, Kelat jantan, Kelat layu hutan, Kelat layu laut, Kelayu, Kilayu, Kinpadi, Klayu, Korali, Kundurai, Lipupudsu, Ma huad, Mak houat, Mangyi, Manipangam, Menterajam, Mertajam, Muktimoya, Nanga, Nunga, Rambutan hutan, Ritha, Rubiharina, Seik-chi-hpo, Sona mahangam, Suang rason, Terajam, Terajang, Tilayu, Tumlos, Undurugu, Zich tai


Erioglossum edule Blume;
Erioglossum edule var. album Blume;
Erioglossum edule var. corymbosum Tiejsm.;
Erioglossum edule var. fraxinifolia (DC) Blume;
Erioglossum edule var. subcorymbosum Blume;
Erioglossum rubiginosa Roxb.;
Erioglossum rubiginosum (Roxburgh) Blume;
Lepisanthes hirta Ridley;
Moulinsia rubiginosa (Roxb.) G. Don;
Sapindus edulis Blume;
Sapindus fraxinifolia DC.;
Sapindus rubiginosa Roxb.;
Uitenia edulis (Blume) Steud.;