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The Faith and International Development Conference is an annual conference hosted by Calvin College for students with hearts for global service. This year our theme is Home: Restoring Our Dwelling Place, and we will encourage people to fearlessly apply themselves to being God’s homemakers on earth.

This year's conference will feature:

Steven Bouma-Prediger, professor of Religion and Director of the Environmental Studies program at Hope College

Mark Charles, Navajo writer who speaks on the complexities of American history, founder of Five Small Loaves

Belinda Bauman, author and Founder of One Million Thumbprints

Carlos Hernández, Director of Operations for the Association for a more Just Society in Honduras

Debbie Dortzbach, Head of Global Health for World Relief

Kent Annan, cofounder of Haiti Partners and author of Slow Kingdom Coming

Sumshot Khular, Vice President of Naga Women's Union in Manipur, India