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A Market for Used Motor Oil

Atemoya: Hand Pollination to Increase Fruit Set

Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds

More on Maize in Africa

Lagos Spinach


Lagos Spinach

Larry Yarger

Lagos spinach (Celosia argentea; a.k.a. quail grass, soko, celosia, feather cockscomb) is a low-maintenance broadleaf annual crop that will grow with minimal effort and resources. This underexploited leafy vegetable is easy to plant, grows in most climates and soils, withstands drought and heat, has few problems with pests and disease, is easy to prepare, highly nutritious and tastes good, and produces large quantities of seed.

A Market for Used Motor Oil

Used motor oil is used to "paint" poles for a fence or poles for houses (mud hut construction)  or to "paint" the roofing timbers.

Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds

Seed saving is surprisingly easy with some vegetables, possible but somewhat difficult for others, and almost impossible for still other vegetable crops. It would help to know what the issues are; some basic techniques for seed saving; and which vegetables are easy and which are more difficult.

More on Maize in Africa

One should only be critical of the decisions which have been made voluntarily by millions of smallholder farmers when one has the fullest understanding of all the reasons which led to their making a change in their cropping, and particularly their staple food.

Atemoya: Hand Pollination to Increase Fruit Set

Tim Motis

Hand pollination of atemoya flowers is a simple procedure based on the interesting fact that the female and male parts (Figure 1) of each flower mature at different times.