Amaranth to Zai Holes Chapter 15. Training and Missionary Resources
Published: 1996-10-19

ECHO provides technical assistance to help you find practical, sustainable ways to address world hunger. We are motivated out of a Christian concern for obedience to Christ and love for our neighbors. This chapter lists many training opportunities and resources for working in development and groups that assist missionaries in their service.
Training and Learning Resources
- Video Reviews: Interactive Workshops from World Vision Australia
- Review: World Vision Australia Publications
- Review: Together Magazine Published by World Vision International
- Review: Footsteps, A Quarterly Newsletter for Christians in Rural Development)
- HEART Missionary Training Institute
- Review: Agricultural Christian Fellowship Newsletter
- Review: HortIdeas, An Interesting and Helpful Newsletter
- Review: Honey Bee, A Newsletter about Farmer's Innovations
- Review: Third World Resource Guide
- Audio-Forum Specializes in Audio Foreign Language Self-Study Courses
- Book/Tape Review: Spanish in the Field
- The Developing Countries Farm Radio Network Produces Informative Scripts for Third World Farmers
- The International Institute of Rural Reconstruction
- Roland Bunch is a Development Adviser with COSECHA
- The University of Florida Offers Short Courses
- Natural Resources Institute Training Courses
- Correspondence Study in Agriculture
- Publications Catalog of the Natural Resources Institute
- FAO Publications Catalog
- BOSTID Publications
- Peace Corps manuals
- The Society for Economic Botany
- Book Review: Botanica de los Cultivos Tropicales
- Book Review: A Flora of the Andes in Spanish
- Illustrations for Use in Development Work
- More Information Services for Technical Questions