Banana Wilt Disease in East Africa
Common Mistakes in Agricultural Development and a Key to Success
Used Motor Oil
A Non-chemical Method of Rat Control for Rice Fields
Seed Yields Decline at Higher Average Temperatures
The World's Wheat Crop Under Threat from New Disease
Maize in Semi-arid Areas
Green Gram or Mung Bean (Vigna radiata)
A Non-chemical Method of Rat Control for Rice Fields
Dawn Berkelaar
A publication from ACIAR described a method of controlling rodents in lowland irrigated rice crops without the use of chemicals. The publication is a Research Note describing Community Trap Barrier Systems (CTBS).
Banana Wilt Disease in East Africa
Food security in Burundi is under threat due to fears that an incurable banana disease, which has already been reported in several neighboring countries, could sweep across the nation.
Common Mistakes in Agricultural Development and a Key to Success
Development is a) a process of people learning to solve their own problems, b) sustainably. It means progressing from one problem to another. Agricultural development is possible in more ways and climates than people often think.
Used Motor Oil
Esther Dunn and Dawn Berkelaar
Several times over the years, we have received requests for information about what can be done to recycle used motor oil. Though this is not an agricultural question, it is a common issue faced even in remote rural areas. The two-fold question is how to make use of a potential resource and how to avoid contaminating your environment.
Seed Yields Decline at Higher Average Temperatures
What happens to seed yield if a crop is planted in a warmer climate or if global warming causes temperatures to rise? Increased carbon dioxide levels may encourage some plants to grow larger and increase crop yields, but elevated temperatures could leave some seed crops sterile.
Green Gram or Mung Bean (Vigna radiata)
Bob Hargrave
Grains usually produced in ASAL areas are sorghum and the millets. One of the best options for a legume is the green gram or mung bean.
The World's Wheat Crop Under Threat from New Disease
A new strain or strains of wheat stem rust are especially dangerous, because many wheat cultivars in major wheat producing countries show little or no resistance. The spores of the fungus are well adapted for long distance travel on high-altitude wind currents.
Maize in Semi-arid Areas
The best semi-arid environments only produce maize in 6 years out of 10.