After 27 years of publishing ECHO Development Notes (EDN), we have reached a milestone with this 100th issue. For this issue, we looked back over the previous 99 issues and selected some of the plants, techniques and perspectives that we believe have special potential to help you in your efforts to improve the lives of the poor.
Many ECHO staff members shared their “top picks.” Compiling them has been a gratifying exercise in many ways, as we realize the depth and breadth of subjects that have been covered over the years. Because limited space allows only a brief summary, we point you to the relevant resources, especially our book Amaranth to Zai Holes: Ideas for growing food under difficult conditions that was based on the first 51 issues of EDN, and the issues published since (52 to 99). These and other resources are posted on our website. In this issue, they will be referenced by AZ followed by the page number of the article, or by EDN plus issue and page number (e.g. EDN 70-3). Technical Notes are abbreviated as TN. EDN is available in Spanish from Issue 47 and in French from Issue 91. Selected articles from AZ have been translated. We have prepared a special 100th issue section on our website. If you read this issue on-line, the relevant articles (and sometimes additional material) are available by simply clicking on the hyperlinks in issue 100.

Those who do not have the materials we refer to and who have no or limited access to the Internet, can write us for more information on any particular article. Please mention if we can sendthe documents you request by email or if you need paper copies.
We hope that you will enjoy this issue, and that it will bring new ideas to help you provide more options for the poor, to give them a future and a hope.
The editors wish to thank Tim Motis and Danny Blank for writing and editorial help, and Bob Hargrave for setting up the special web interface.
Cite as:
ECHO Staff 2008. Issue Number 100!. ECHO Development Notes no. 100