Families Benefited with Dairy Goats Project
A Research Project: Packed Biogas in Bags
Green Manure/ Cover Crops: jack bean
Families Benefited with Dairy Goat Project
Sophia Kasubi
Through the existing strong relationship between ECHO East Africa and Bothar Ireland, ECHO East Africa has been able to implement projects of distributing dairy goats in the districts of Karatu and Arumeru in Arusha and Morogoro in Southeast Tanzania. The objectives of this project are to assist families with low income to improve their diets and earn an income as well as to sustain their surrounding environment.
Packed Biogas in Bags
Harold Msanya
A biogas research project which ECHO East Africa is implementing in collaboration with CREATIVenergie UK has taken another step of innovation whereby owners of biogas digesters can now package surplus gas and sell to non-owners of the biogas digester. This step aims to enable people who do not own a biogas digester to access clean and affordable energy in order to improve their livelihoods and for biogas digester owners to generate income from the digester. Below is the testimony of Evelyn Maguo who has been impacted by the technology of packed biogas in bags.
Green Manure Cover Crops
Sophia Kasubi
Most farmers know very well that in a forest many plants grow all the time, but the soil never wears out. The soil in a forest also never gets so hard that someone has to plow it. Even more amazing, the plants in a forest do not suffer from droughts. In other words, forest soils stay productive, soft and moist for thousands of years all by themselves. Green manure/cover crops, like jack beans, are some of the plants from the forest that have done the best job of keeping the forest soils healthy for thousands of years. Mankind have selected these plants as green manure/cover crops because they keep the soil healthy, but they also allow us to grow our maize and other food crops along with them on the same land and at the same time.