An Annual Agricultural Missions Conference to be Started by ECHO
Moringa Leaves to Prevent Damping Off Disease of Seedlings
Iron Sulfate Molluscicide
Marama Beans
Home Made Mosquito Repellent From Neem
A Simple Way To Improve Starchy "Weaning Foods"
Beekeeping & Development, An "Edn" For Beekeepers
Seed For Psyllid Resistant Leucaena Tree
Echos From Our Network
Use Of Trees By Livestock, (A Series)
Iron Sulfate Molluscicide
Iron sulfate can be used to control slugs.
Recent laboratory trials in England support the notion that iron sulfate is rapidly absorbed and is highly toxic to slugs.
Moringa Leaves to Prevent Damping Off Disease of Seedlings
Moringa leaves may help prevent damping off.
An Annual Agricultural Missions Conference to be Started by ECHO
Martin L. Price
For several years we have dreamed of hosting an annual conference that would bring together people from our overseas network to share technical knowledge and experience in community development. Our staff has finally grown to the size that we can handle the logistics of such an endeavor (I hope). There will be a Christian atmosphere, though we trust that those who do not share those beliefs will be comfortable and would want to share the technical side of the work that we have in common.
A Simple Way To Improve Starchy "Weaning Foods"
The following is abstracted from information provided by Noel Vietmeyer with the USA National Academy of Sciences which appeared in the June 1993 issue of Spore Magazine..
"Throughout the developing world boiled starchy grains and roots are given as weaning food.... Boiled starch is so thick and pasty that it is difficult for the very young to swallow enough to gain adequate nourishment." Germinated grains release enzymes that break down starch (as in the process of malting). "A very small quantity of malted millet or sorghum flour added to a pot of mush made from corn meal, cassava, arrowroot, potato or other boiled staples turns it to liquid in minutes. It is liquid enough for the baby to swallow but dense enough to be filling. It is also more tasty because most of the starch has been converted to sugar." [Ed: sprouted sorghum should not be eaten because of its cyanide content, EDN 10-2, but 2-3 grains in a bowl should be harmless.]
Echos From Our Network - EDN 42
ECHO's name symbolizes ideas, information and seeds "echoing" back and forth between ourselves and our overseas network. We owe much of our effectiveness to you. There are many examples in this issue. The most difficult editing decision is always which material to delay. We have enough material to print many issues of EDN. The information you send may or may not make it "into print," but be assured that we have made use of it internally and greatly appreciate your calling it to our attention.