English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

Asparagus|Asparagus   |Perennial|Seed,   |Bush,Large|Young Tender  |Vitamin C 
         | officinale |         |Offshoot| Rhizomes |Shoots,Cooked |  
         |            |         |        |          | Pickled      |
Bamboo   |Several spp.|Perennial|Offshoot|Tall Woody|Young Culm    |
 shoots  |            |         |        | Grass    |              | 
Buffalo  |Cucurbita   |Perennial|Seed    |Bush/Vine |Seeds for Oil |Oil, High
 gourd   |foetidissima|         |        |  Vine    | and Flour    | Protein
Bunching |Allium      |Perennial|Seed,   |Herb      |Entire Plant  |Vitamin C 
 onion   | fistulosum |         |Offshoot| w/bulb   | as Condiment |
Chestnut,|Eleocharis  |Perennial|Corm    |Reed in   |Corm          |Starch
 water   | dulcis     |         |        | Mud      |              |
Chinese  |Allium      |Perennial|Offshoot|Herb      |Green Foliage |Vitamins  
 chives  | tuberosum  |         |        |          | as Spinach   | A, C 
Coconut  |Cocos       |Perennial|Seed    |Tall Tree |Root BallAfter|
 sprout  | nucifera   |         |        |          | Germination  | 
Egusi    |Colocynthus |Annual   |Seed    |Trailing  |Roasted Seeds |High
         | citrullis  |         |        |  Vine    | as Snacks or | Protein      
         |            |         |        |          | Ground       |
Izote    |Yucca       |Perennial|Seed,   |Large     |Mature Bud and|Flower: 
         | species    |         | Cutting|Woody Bush| Flower Raw or|Vitamin C 
         |            |         |        |          | Cooked, Heart| Calcium
         |            |         |        |          |Must Be Cooked| in Heart
Onion    |Allium cepa |Perennial|Seed,   |Herb      |Bulb as       |Vitamin C
         |            |         |  Bulbs |          | Condiment    |
Pacaya   |Chamaedores |Perennial|Seeds   |Small Palm|Young         |Protein
         | spp.       |         |        |          | Inflorescence|
Palm     |Many spp.   |Perennial|Seeds   |Branched  |Tender Growing|Protein,
 heart   |            |         |        | Palms    | Tip          |Vitamin B
Pit pit  |Saccharum   |Perennial|Cutting |Large     |Bottled up    | Protein 
         | edulis     |         |        | Grass    | Flower Cooked|
         |            |         |        |          | as Vegetable |
Rhubarb  |Rheum       |Perennial|Seed,   |Large Herb|Petioles      |Vitamin C  
as annual| rhaponti   |         |Offshoot|          | Cooked       |
Roselle  |Hibiscus    |Annual   |Seed    |Large     |Calyxes of Pod|Vitamin C 
         | sabdariffa |         |        |Woody Herb| as Fruit     |
Sweet    |Zea mays    |Annual   |Seed    |Tall Herb |Immature Ear  |Carbohy-
 corn    |            |         |        |          |              | drate, 
         |            |         |        |          |              | P,Niacin 
          |                |          ADAPTATION           |
  COMMON  |                +-------------------------------+     NEGATIVE   
   NAME   | SPECIES NAME   |       |  DAY-   |     |       |      FACTORS
          |                | TEMP  | LENGTH  |FLOOD|DROUGHT|
Asparagus |Asparagus       |Cool to|Neutral  | No  |  Some |Needs 3-5 Years
          | officinde      |  Warm |         |     |       |
Bamboo    |Several spp.    |Warm to|Time     |Often| Often |Very Large
 shoots   |                |  Hot  |Dependent|     |       |
Buffalo   |Cucurbita       |Warm to|         | No  |  Yes  |
 gourd    | foetidissima   |  Hot  |         |     |       |
Bunching  |Allium          |Cool to|Short Day| No  |  No   |
 onion    | fistulosum     |  Warm |         |     |       |
Chestnut, |Eleocharis      |Warm to|Long Day | Yes |  No   |
 Water    | dulcis         |  Hot  |         |     |       |
Chinese   |Allium          |Warm to|Short Day| No  |  No   |
 chives   | tuberosum      |  Hot  |         |     |       |
Coconut   |Cocos nucifera  |Hot    |Neutral  | Some|  Some |
 sprout   |                |       |         |     |       |
Egusi     |Colocynthus     |Warm to|Neutral  | No  |  Yes  |
          | citrullis      |  Hot  |         |     |       |  
Izote     |Yucca species   |Warm to|Neutral  | No  |  No   |Chiefly for other
          |                |  Hot  |         |     |       | uses,inefficient 
          |                |       |         |     |       | production 
Onion     |Allium cepa     |Warm   |Short and| No  |  No   |Specific varie-
          |                |       | Long Day|     |       |ties and planting
          |                |       |Varieties|     |       | dates needed
Pacaya    |Chamaedorea spp.|Hot    |         | No  |  No   |Inefficient 
          |                |       |         |     |       | profuction    
Palm heart|Many spp.       |Hot    |Neutral  | Some|  Some |Inefficient
          |                |       |         |     |       | production
Pit pit   |Saccharum edulis|Hot    |Short Day| Some|  No   |Inefficient
          |                |       |         |     |       | production
Rhubarb * |Rheum rhaponti  |Cool to|Neutral  | Some|  No   |Mostly temperate
          |                |  Warm |         |     |       |
Roselle   |Hibiscus        |Warm   |Short Day| No  |  Some |
          | sabdariffa     |       |         |     |       |
Sweet corn|Zea mays        |Warm   |Neutral/ | No  |  No   |
          |                |       |Short Day|     |       |