Hope against Malaria
Insights from a Simple Sorghum Trial in Haiti
Energy Needs for HIV-infected Persons
Energy Needs for HIV-infected Persons
Martin Price
When a person has been infected with HIV but still has no symptoms of AIDS, the basic metabolic rate (energy requirement) increases and requires 10% more calories each day just to maintain the hidden fight that keeps the virus under control.
Insights from a Simple Sorghum Trial in Haiti
Tim Motis
In observation trials, each variety is grown in only one plot of ground. Observations from such trials are not as conclusive as with replication. As long as site conditions are fairly uniform, however, they give the experimenter a pretty good idea of likely “losers” and “winners.”
Hope against Malaria
Dawn Berkelaar
For several years, ECHO staff members have followed reports on the use of Artemisia annua to treat malaria. Though artemisia leaves have been used medicinally to reduce fever for 2000 years, we hesitated to write about it, because it is a temperate plant. But there is now a variety of artemisia that grows in the tropics despite short days. It also contains higher levels of medicinal compounds like artemisinin.