Alley Cropping: a System to Sustain Soil Productivity
Increased Yields, Less Disease
Management Can Be Learned
The Malian Peanut/Groundnut Sheller
A System to Sustain Soil Productivity
Dolichos lablab: A Legume that Feeds People, Animals and the Soil
A Caution about Eating Excessive Amounts of Moringa stenopetala: Eat Like the Deer
Management Can Be Learned
Calvin Yoke
The area of management may seem foreign to many agricultural development workers, but good management can be an effective ministry. Most people spend the bulk of their hours under someone’s management. There is no greater opportunity than that provided by management to make a positive impact on the world.
A System to Sustain Soil Productivity
When selecting a hedgerow species for alley cropping, keep in mind that leaves should readily decompose when applied to the soil.
Increased Yields, Less Disease
Dawn Berkelaar
An international team of scientists working with thousands of small farmers in China demonstrated a simple method to increase the yield of two varieties of rice (Oryza sativa) and to reduce incidence of a disease called rice blast.
A Caution about Eating Excessive Amounts of Moringa stenopetala: Eat Like the Deer
Dawn Berkelaar
In a survey reported in the East African Medical Journal, 597 school children and their parents were surveyed in areas of southern Ethiopia that have very high incidence of goiter. M. stenopetala had a significant association with the prevalence of goiter.
Dolichos lablab: A Legume that Feeds People, Animals and the Soil
Cheryl Beckett
The lablab bean Lablab purpureus (or Dolichos lablab) is a versatile subtropical and tropical nitrogen-fixing legume. It is a multipurpose legume that can be used as a cover crop, providing green manure, erosion control and weed suppression.
Alley Cropping: a System to Sustain Soil Productivity
When selecting a hedgerow species for alley cropping, keep in mind that leaves should readily decompose when applied to the soil.
The Malian Peanut/Groundnut Sheller
The Malian Peanut/Groundnut Sheller is a simple machine, requiring less than $10 US of materials.