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Loquat: A Fruit Tree Adaptable to Many Locations

Extending the Life of your Seeds

Tithonia and Lantana–An update

Tithonia diversifolia as a termite repellent for protecting fruit trees in Central African Republic

Traditional Plant Varieties and Low Fertility Soil


Tithonia and Lantana–An update

Darrell Cox

 These non-leguminous species were used as mulches by ICRAF researchers to increase maize yields. Leaves of both species contain up to 3 percent nitrogen. Surprisingly phosphorus also is found in high quantities in the leaves of these hedgerow weeds.

Traditional Plant Varieties and Low Fertility Soil

Joel Matthews

Maradi Integrated Development Project has forced me to question the wisdom of assuming that increases of organic content and fertility are always best.

Loquat: A Fruit Tree Adaptable to Many Locations

Carolyn Langley

A relative of pear, apple, and peach, the loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) tree is a lesser-known fruit.

Extending the Life of your Seeds

Edward Berkelaar

Farmers everywhere plant seeds with the expectation that they will germinate, grow and produce a crop that can be harvested. In some cases, the seeds that are planted germinate as hoped. In other cases, seed germination percentage is quite poor. This article will address some aspects about seeds and how to store them so that they remain alive as long as possible.

Tithonia Diversifolia as a Termite Repellent for Protecting Fruit Trees in Central African Republic

Timothy Watkins


Report on experience using Tithonia diversifolia as a termite repellent for protecting fruit trees in Central African Republic.