English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

All of the plants mentioned in this chart can be used as feed for animals. However, cutting them for feed limits their effectiveness as green manures and cover crops. The distinction between green manures and cover crops is minimal, and often the two words are used interchangeably. The following definitions show the difference in emphasis of the two terms. Green manure crops are those grown for the purpose of incorporation when the plant is fresh and green (thus high in nitrogen), resulting in soil enrichment and a greater water holding capacity. Ground cover crops grow vigorously to outcompete weeds and provide a good soil covering and mulch. These crops are also good for soil improvement and erosion prevention.

              |                        |ANNUAL OR|             |    
Butterfly pea |Clitorea ternatea       |Annual   |Climbing Vine|Ground Cover
Beggarweed    |Desmodium gyroides      |Annual   |Shrub        |Ground Cover 
Beggarweed    |Desmodium heterophylla  |Annuel   |Shrub        |Ground Cover
Beggarweed    |Desmodium salicifolium  |Annual   |Herb         |Ground Cover 
Calapo        |Calopogonium mucunoides |Either   |Trailing Vine|Green Manure 
Centro        |Centrosema pubescens    |Perennial|Climbing Vine|Ground Cover
Indigo        |Indigofera hendecaphylla|Perennial|Herb         |Green Manure 
Jackbean      |Canavalia ensiformis    |Annual   |Bush         |Green Manure 
Kudzu,tropical|Pueraria phaseoloides   |Perennial|Climbing Vine|Ground Cover
Lablab Bean   |Dolichos lablab         |Annual   |Climbing Vine|Food, Ground 
              |                        |         |             | Cover 
Perennial     |Arachis sp.             |Perennial|Trailing Vine|Ground Cover, 
 Peanut       |                        |         |             | Feed
Spanish       |Desmodium triflorum     |Perennial|Trailing Vine|Ground Cover 
 clover       |                        |         |             |
Spanish       |Desmodium uncinatum     |Perennial|Trailing Vine|Ground Cover
 clover       |                        |         |             | 
Sunn hemp     |Crotalaria juncea       |Annual   |Shrub        |Green Manure, 
              |                        |         |             | Fiber
Velvet bean   |Stizolobium/Mucuna spp. |Annual   |Trailing Vine|Ground Cover 
Winged bean   |Psophocarpus            |Annual   |Climbing Vine|Food, Green
              | tetragonolobus         |         |             | Manure
Vigna         |Vigna hosia             |Perennial|Vine         |Ground Cover 
Vigna         |Vigna lutea             |Perennial|Vine         |Ground Cover 
Vigna         |Vigna unguiculata       |Annual   |Climbing Vine|Food, Green
              |                        |         |             | Manure
Vigna         |Vigna vexillata         |Perennial|Trailing Vine|Ground Cover           