ECHO East Africa Update: Lablab (Ngwara)
During the Ngwara field day, Mr. Emmanuel Kasembe, Iles de Paix Tanzania Technical Advisor, and Bonny, ECHO East Africa Technical Advisor, facilitated an open discussion on Ngwara-related topics. The discussion covered various aspects, including planting techniques, uses, markets, and more. Visitors had the opportunity to test the seed coat removal machine designed by Engineer Naomi from Agriculture Seed Agency. The prototype underwent testing using Ngwara seeds. The removal of seed coats reduces cooking time of the seeds. Other experienced Ngwara cooks who visited the ECHO table during the day suggested avoiding the removal of seed coats before cooking, as it results in the loss of certain nutrients found in the seed coats. As part of the day's activities, ECHO interns served Ngwara beans and cooked Ngwara leaves to the event participants.