Suppressing Varroa Mites In Bee Hives
Effect of Intercropping On Yield Of Sweet Potato
Manure Management To Prevent Produce Contamination
Taro Tuber Processing For Animal Feed
Tick Control For Goats
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
Principles of Agriculture For The Humid Tropics
Manure Management To Prevent Produce Contamination
Discussion of possible disease organisms in manure.
Many of us probably assume health problems originate when food is washed with contaminated water or because of poor human hygiene. However, it could also come from the use of manure as a fertilizer in the field.
Suppressing Varroa Mites In Bee Hives
Preliminary research done by the USDA suggests that the smoke of grapefruit leaves may help control varroa mites, which parasitize bees.
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration
One of the immediate problems directly affecting agricultural output and quality of life in Niger is the severe deforestation which has occurred, particularly since the 1960’s. Simply planting more trees does not solve the problems.
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration is a practice that protects and manages trees already present in a location.
Principles of Agriculture For The Humid Tropics
Roland Bunch
Principles for increasing organic matter in order to increase soil fertility.
Little by little, work in a dozen countries has convinced us that the vast majority of soils can be made highly fertile. How? By using our first principle: maximize organic matter production.
Tick Control For Goats
Two methods for controlling ticks on goats in the tropics.
Taro Tuber Processing For Animal Feed
Taro for feeding livestock.
Effect of Intercropping On Yield Of Sweet Potato
If I intercrop sweet potato with taller plants, how much will that reduce the productivity of the sweet potato?