English (en) | Change Language
By: Franklin W. Martin and Michael P. Fennema
Published: 1996-10-19

         |             |         |       |        |            |RELA- |RELA-
         |             |PERENNIAL|       |        |            |      | ITY
Amaranth |Amaranthus   |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Whole|High  |High
         | spp.        |         |       |        |Plant,Cooked|      |
Belembe  |Xanthosoma   |Perennial|Off-   |Herb    |Leaf & Stem |Low   |Very
         | brasiliense |         | shoot |        |  Cooked    |      | High
Bok choi |Brassica rapa|Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Head,|Medium|Medium
         | B.chinensis |         |       |        |  Raw/Cooked|      | 
Bush okra|Corchorus    |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Shoot|High  |Medium
         | olitorius   |         |       |        |  Cooked    |      | 
Cassava  |Manihot      |Perennial|Cutting|Bush    |Leaf & Shoot|Medium|Medium
         | esculenta   |         |       |        |  Cooked    |      | 
Chaya    |Cnidoscolus  |Perennial|Cutting|Bush    |Leaf & Shoot|Very  |High 
         | chayamansa  |         |       |        |  Cooked    | High |
False    |Hibiscus     |Weak     |Seed   |Bush    |Leaf & Shoot|Medium|Medium 
 roselle | acetosella  |Perennial|       |        |  Cooked    |      | 
Moringa  |Moringa sp.  |Perennial|Seed,  |Tree    |Leaf, Young |Very  |High
         |             |         |Cutting|        | Fruit,     | High |
         |             |         |       |        | Flower,Root|      |
Indian   |Lactuca      |Annual   |Seed,  |Tall    |Leaf, Raw   |High  |High  
 lettuce | indica      |         |Cutting|  Herb  |            |      |
Kai choi |Brassica     |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Head,|Medium|High
         | juncea      |         |       |        |  Raw/Cooked|      |
Kale,    |Brassica     |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf, Raw or|High  |Medium  
Ethiopian| carinata    |         |       |        |  Cooked    |      | 
Katuk    |Sauropis     |Perennial|Seed,  |Bush    |Leaf & Shoot|Medium|High
         | androgynus  |         |Cutting|        |  Cooked    |      |
Lettuce  |Lactuca      |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Head,|Medium|Medium
         | sativa      |         |       |        |  Raw       |      | 
Malabar  |Basella rubra|Perennial|Seed,  |Climbing|Leaf & Shoot|High  |Low
 Spinach | (B. alba)   |         |Cutting|  Vine  |  Cooked    |      |
Pacific  |Abelmoschus  |Weak     |Cutting|Tall    |Leaf & Shoot|High  |Medium
 Spinach | manihot     |Perennial|       |  Bush  |  Cooked    |      | 
Quail    |Celosia      |Annual   |Seed   |Herb    |Leaf & Shoot|High  |Medium 
 grass   | argentea    |         |       |        |  Cooked    |      | 
Sweet    |Ipomoea      |Perennial|Cutting|Trailing|Shoot,      |Medium|Medium
 potato  | batatas     |         |       |  Vine  |  Cooked    |      |
Water-   |Nasturtium   |Perennial|Seed,  |Trailing|Entire Plant|High  |High
 cress   | officinale  |         |Cutting|  Vine  |            |      |
Spinach, |Ipomoea      |Perennial|Cutting|Trailing|Leaf & Shoot|High  |High 
 water   | aquatica    |         | Seeds |  Vine  |  Cooked    |      |
          |                 |          ADAPTATION           |
  COMMON  |                 +-------+---------+-----+-------+     NEGATIVE   
   NAME   | SPECIES NAME    |       |  DAY-   |     |       |      FACTORS
          |                 | TEMP  | LENGTH  |FLOOD|DROUGHT|
Amaranth  |Amaranthus sp.   | Hot   |Mostly   | No  |  Some |Short Life 
          |                 |       |Short Day|     |       |  Span, Insects 
Belembe   |Xanthosoma       | Hot   |Neutral  | Yes |  No   |Low Production 
          | brasiliense     |       |         |     |       |
Bok       |Brassica rapa    |Cool to|Neutral  | No  |  No   |
 choie    | B. chinensis    |  Warm |         |     |       |
Bush okra |Corchorus        | Hot   |Neutral  | No  |  Some |Weedy 
          | olitorius       |       |         |     |       |
Cassava   |Manihot esculenta| Hot   |Neutral  | No  |  Some |Needs Cooking or
          |                 |       |         |     |       |  is toxic
Chaya     |Cnidoscolus      |Warm to|Neutral  | Some|  Yes  |Somewhat Toxic
          | chayamansa      |  Hot  |         |     |       |
False     |Hibiscus         |Warm to|Short    | No  |  Some |Weedy Nature
 roselle  | acetosella      |  Hot  |  Day    |     |       |
Horserad- |Moringa sp.      | Hot   |Neutral  | No  |  Yes  |Excessively
 ish tree |                 |       |         |     |       |  Vigorous
Indian    |Latuca indica    |Warm to|Short    | No  |  No   |Excessive Height
 lettuce  |                 |  Hot  |  Day    |     |       |
Kai choi  |Brassica juncea  | Warm  |Neutral  | No  |  No   |
Kale,     |Brassica carinata| Warm  |Neutral  | No  |  No   |
 Ethiopian|                 |       |         |     |       |
Katuk     |Sauropis         | Hot   |Neutral  | No  |  No   |Lowers Blood
          | androgynus      |       |         |     |       |  Sugar 
Lettuce   |Lactuca sativa   |Cool to|Short Day| No  |  No   |
          |                 |  Warm |         |     |       |
Malabar,  |Basella rubra    | Hot   |Short Day| No  |  No   |Fruits During
 Spinach  | (B. alba)       |       |         |     |       |  Short Days
Pacific   |Abelmoschus      | Hot   |Short Day| No  |  No   |Mucilaginous
 Spinach  | manihot         |       |         |     |       |  When Cooked 
Quail     |Celosia argentea | Hot   |Short Day| No  |  No   |Weedy 
 grass    |                 |       |         |     |       | 
Sweet     |Ipomoea batatas  | Hot   |Short Day| No  |  No   |Weevils Are Hard
 potato   |                 |       |         |     |       |  to Control
Watercress|Nasturtium       | Warm  |Neutral  | Yes |  No   |Strong Flavor
          | officinale      |       |         |     |       |
Water     IIpomoea aquatica |Warm to|Short Day| Yes |  No   |Weedy in Canals
 Spinach  |                 |  Hot  |         |     |       |