Many people's first thought about ECHO is "seeds." Our seedbank specializes in little-known plants with great potential to provide food under difficult growing conditions. We also have several improved varieties of common plants. Each year we distribute hundreds of trial seed packets to development workers who grow them in their own gardens. If the plants produce well and are accepted, they may harvest the seed and distribute it in the community. In this way, a community in one part of the world may benefit from the plants of another region to which they might otherwise not have access.
Plant introduction through seeds and germplasm (living tissue that can be grown into a plant) holds tremendous promise for improving nutrition and food production. This book contains information on many such plants which can thrive in poor soils, drought, and other stresses. There are also dangers and risks in plant introduction about which we need to be aware. This chapter discusses working with underexploited plants, seeds and other germplasm, and seed production and sources.
ECHO's Seedbank
- Ordering Seeds from ECHO
- History and Purpose of ECHO's Seedbank
- The Nature of Plant Introduction: Some Important Cautions
- Transporting Seeds and Cuttings
- When You Send Seed to ECHO
- Getting Your Own Seed Import Permit
Germination and Propagation
- Measuring the Viability of Your Seeds
- Germinating Seeds Containing Chemical Inhibitors
- Tropical Onion Seed Germination
- Chart on Procedures for Growing Tropical Fruit from Seed
- Will Carambola Trees Come True from Seed?
- What Varieties of Citrus Will Grow True from Seed?
- Purchase of Citrus Seeds and Budwood
- Answers to Some Questions on Citrus
- Are There Dwarf Citrus Trees?
- Growing Your Own Grafted Subtropical Varieties of Deciduous Fruit Trees
- Difficulty Germinating Paulownia Trees?
Storing Seed
- ECHO's Seedbank Has Foil-Lined Seed Packages
- Basic Seed Harvest Guidelines from ECHO's Seedbank
- Rules of Thumb for Seed Storage Conditions
- Book Review: The Community Seedbank Kit
- Book Review: Lost Crops of the Incas
- Book Review: Lost Crops of Africa. Volume 1: Grains
Seed Production and Sources
- Book Review: Agricultural and Horticultural Seeds
- Book Review: Cornucopia: A Source Book of Edible Plants
- Are Free Seeds a Good Idea?
- Seeds for the Americas
- Saving Seeds from Hybrids
- Bamboo Breeding
- Where Can I Find Seed for Breadfruit?
- How to Produce Carrot Seed Where Winters Are Not Cold
- How Far Apart Must Corn Be Kept to Prevent Cross-Pollination by Other Local Varieties?
- Growing Garlic
- Saving Your Own Lettuce Seed
- Onion Variety Trial
- The Solo Papayas Are Great, But...
- Malaysia Exotica Papaya Seed
- Why Is There Such High Turnover in the Tree Seed Business?
- Roy Danforth and Paul Noren's Tropical Fruit Tree Project in Zaire
- More Seed Sources