1974-06-01 The FAO of the UN provides advice and assistance to member governments in their agricultural planning and development so as to ensure that their food supply meets the needs of the people.
This publication is intended for the instruction of agricultural extension, home economics, nutrition, health and other community development agents working with households and communities. Home gardens are found in many humid and subhumid areas of Africa. These gardens have an established...
Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-4 and C-6 of the Soil Science Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, And the American Society of Agronomy, in Anaheim, CA, 28 Nov.-Dec. 1982. This publication is a compilation of papers presented at a symposium held at the 1982...
If you want to explore the basic facts regarding the wide-spread pollution of the Earth and our food supply, you will want to read the book from cover to cover.