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468 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  2. 1984-01-19 This book speaks to the challenges of small farm pig production. The two main themes of malnutrition and parasite control are dealt with in depth, utilizing very practical ideas and methods. The author repeatedly emphasizes the need to deal with these issues if the farmer is to be successful in...
  3. 2011-01-20  
  4. Key Resource 1991-01-01 The high protein and high concentration of B vitamins found in meat make it an ideal part of the diet, very difficult to replace by plant foods, even with grain legumes that are nutritionally the closest plant foods to meat. Yet production of meat on the small farm almost dictates a way of life...  
  5. 1996-01-19 Raising pigs on moringa leaves is a system developed by missionary Paul Ronk in Jeremie, Haiti.  
  6. Guinea pigs are easy to raise for households and small-scale farmers, as they are very productive, reproduce rapidly and produce good quality meat and fur. This uses material from "Footsteps 10" - the literary publication ofTear Fund, with kind permission. Illustrated by MissionAssist. This...  
  7. ECHO's Natural Farming Pig System is comprised of a deep-litter pig pen in which hogs are raised atop a one-meter deep layer of bedding comprised mostly of sawdust, rice husks and ground charcoal. By excluding the rain and preventing excessive spillage of feed and water, the bedding remains...
  8. 2017-02-07 Successful pig raising factors 1.Good breed 2.Good food 3.Good house 4.Good management 5.Good disease prevention  
  9. Piggery farming has been recognized as one of the profitable venture among the rural masses. This venture has proved to be one of the most important livelihood option. Generally the pigs are reared for pork, considering the increasing trend of pork consumers in Sikkim, Piggery farming will...  
  10. (For the small holders at village level)