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798 items found (Showing 1 - 10)
  2. 2010-01-20 Important Trees of Haiti byJoel Timyan, a 418-page book, is now available on the Internet at the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC). An electronic PDF copy of the book can be accessed by clicking on the link pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PNACA072.pdf  
  3. 2010-04-01 https://www.echocommunity.org/resources/eb967d93-10ff-4c3d-a238-86ac0382bd68ECHO has considered how our resources can be most helpful in light of the recent devastating earthquake near Port Au Prince, Haiti. Our main strength is in the area of agricultural information relevant to development...  
  4. 2009-10-20 Information about reports of success in Haiti with a technique developed in Israel for growing “organically certified” tilapia by adding (1) submerged bamboo poles or palm fronds and (2) a submerged “compost pile” to fertilize the pond. Microscopic organisms collectively called “periphyton” grow...  
  5. 2011-01-01 This notebook contains a wide variety of information on community development in Haiti. multiple pages, ilustrations, photos  
  6. 2010-01-01 This box contains: ECHO Publications with information relevant to long-term recovery efforts. Included are packets of seeds of crops for food and nutrition: moringa, Ethiopian kale. okra, eggplant,tomato and cuttings of chaya, Also a water filter and leucaena seeds for firewood  
  7. Key Resource
    1991-01-01 There are several reasons for establishing fences on the small farm. Fences are used to: To mark boundary lines between farms or next to roads. To separate adjacent fields used for distinct purposes To protect and keep animals from straying To protect crops from animal damage A fence represents a...  
  8. Key Resource 2017-06-06 A version of this material first appeared in EDN 134. Gender dynamics in relation to agriculture is a big topic, and one we had not previously written about in EDN. In recent years, widespread attention has been paid to the disparity that often exists between men and women when it comes to...  
  9. Key Resource 1993-06-01 During the course of each year a number of individuals working in community development spend some days studying and planning at ECHO. In reality their felt need is not so much for a bit more knowledge (study), but for a project plan for how they are going to proceed to help local farmers. A...  
  10. Key Resource
    2015-11-04 Active learning and exchange of knowledge are key to farmer adoption of beneficial agricultural innovations. Community health worker (CHW) and community animal health worker (CAHW) programs have led to a rich body of knowledge about extension, much of which is applicable to efforts aimed towards...