Cebolla Variedades
(Allium cepa L)
La cebolla es una planta resistente y bienaly la cual se cultiva ampliamente. Proviene de las partes del sur de de Rusia e Irán. Forma un bulbo que se cosecha en el primer año, y ambos bulbos y hojas se utilizan culinariamente en culturas alrededor del mundo.
Red Burgundy
A short day onion with smooth, glossy purplish red skin and white flesh.
Red Creole
A short day onion with red flesh, tough outer scales, and a flattened globe shape.
A long day onion with large, white globe shaped bulbs.
White Sweet Spanish
A long-day white onion that is globe shaped and firm. This variety will only bulb in temperate climates where daylength reaches 13-15 hours. Do not grow for the bulb in the subtropics and tropics.
A short-day onion with pinkish skin, good storage life, and strong flavor. This selection was made within the Red Creole line in Hawaii. 155 days to maturity. Short-day onions will develop bulbs when the daylength reaches 10-12 hours a day. Growth of onions is regulated through a combination of temperature and day length. Onion varieties appropriate for growing in the tropics are short-day varieties.
Granex F1
Pumba F1
Violet De Galmi
Ever Lucky (F1)
Candy F1
Laredo F1
Reforma F1
Texas Early Grano
An heirloom, sweet, short-day Vidalia-type onion. Light brown skin and soft white flesh. Requires short days to bulb. 110 days to harvest.