El desarrollo transformacional es el proceso mediante el cual los niños, las familias y las comunidades identifican y superan los obstáculos que les impiden vivir la vida en toda su plenitud. La transformación de

World Vision implica un cambio fundamental, que en el contexto de la sostenibilidad, requiere cambios radicales y sistémicos en valores y creencias, patrones de comportamiento social y regímenes de gobernanza y gestión multinivel. (Olsson et al. 2014). La transformación se ha descrito como un proceso con tres fases distintas: (1) prepararse para el cambio, (2) navegar por la transición y (3) desarrollar la resiliencia de la nueva trayectoria de desarrollo (Olsson et al. 2004). The Resilience Alliance

La resiliencia es la capacidad de un sistema socioecológico para absorber o resistir perturbaciones y otros factores de estrés, de manera que el sistema permanezca dentro del mismo régimen, esencialmente manteniendo su estructura y funciones. Describe el grado en que el sistema es capaz de auto-organizarse, aprender y adaptarse (Holling 1973, Gunderson y Holling 2002, Walker et al. 2004). The Resilience Alliance

  1. 12/5/2015 The church finds itself at a very unique moment in history. The average Christian living in an economically advanced country enjoys a level of prosperity that has been unimaginable for most of human history. At the same time, over 2.5 billion people in economically impoverished countries live on...
  2. MEDA - Mennonite Economic Development Associates - is an international economic development organization whose mission is to create business solutions to poverty. Founded in 1953 by a group of Mennonite entrepreneurs, we partner with people living in poverty to start or grow small and...
  3. Recurso clave 1/1/1984 Three volumes designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. The book has as its basic philosophy the belief that we should all participate in making this world a more just place to live in. Training for Transformation integrates...
  4. Recurso clave 1/1/1984 Three volumes designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. The book has as its basic philosophy the belief that we should all participate in making this world a more just place to live in. Training for Transformation integrates...
  5. Recurso clave 19/1/1987 Three volumes designed to assist workers in the field who are encouraging the development of self-reliant creative communities. The book has as its basic philosophy the belief that we should all participate in making this world a more just place to live in. Training for Transformation integrates...
  6. Recurso clave 1/2/2000 Training for Transformation Book 4 is a practical and accessible workbook for community development workers. It recognizes that the only changes which effectively transform the lives of poor people are those in which they have been active participants--this book, and the earlier books in the...
  7. Resilience.orgaims to support building community resilience in a world of multiple emerging challenges: the decline of cheap energy, the depletion of critical resources like water, complex environmental crises like climate change and biodiversity loss, and the social and economic issues which are...
  8. The Rural Solutions Portal is a web-based knowledge-sharing platform that collects rural development solutions.These areinnovations, technologies, processes and methodologies for the rural world. It was set up byInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)and seeded with a number of...
  9. Abstract, Ecology and Society, 2018 Telecoupling refers to socioeconomic and environmental interactions between distant coupled human and natural systems, and has become more extensive and intensive in the globalized era. The integrated framework of telecoupling examines flows of information,...
  10. Abstract, Ecology and Society, 2018 This Special Feature re-examines the relationship between natural resources and processes of conflict and cooperation as they occur in the Global South. Here we introduce key issues and reflect on learning from recent research. While covering a range of...
  11. Transformational Community Development (TCD) is GHNI’s coaching-based process for helping villages transform themselves and break the cycle of extreme poverty. Our TCD staff help villages formsustainabledevelopment committees in five main areas, andthen coach them inthe 4L’s: Low Cost, Low Tech,...

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