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LEGS is underpinned by a livelihoods approach and is based on three livelihoods objectives:

  • Providing immediate benefits to crisis-affected communities
  • Protecting the livestock-related assets of crisis-affected communities
  • Assisting the re-building of key assets among crisis-affected communities

LEGS has a global scope and focuses on the process of identifying needs and analysing which interventions are most appropriate to support the livelihoods of the affected populations, at which times, and in which emergencies. LEGS recognizes that climate change is resulting in more complex and unpredictable types of disaster.

Hence guidance on options (‘decision-making trees’) forms the basis of the main sections, with references to where detailed technical guidelines and other materials may be obtained. The key technical areas covered within the three livelihoods objectives are: destocking, veterinary care; supplementary feeding; provision of water; livestock shelter and settlement; and provision of livestock or restocking

12 Contenido (Mostrando 1 - 10)

LEGS Participatory Techniques Toolkit - 20/5/2021

LEGS Participation Mini Module

Suji Omeno

In this Mini Module, LEGS provides key techniques to aid and facilitate community participation. Some of the techniques include Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews,Proportional Piling, Simple Ranking, Pairwise Ranking, Matrix Scoring, Historical Timelines, Seasonal Impact Calendars, Participatory Mapping, Venn Diagramming, and Radar Diagramming.

La calidad de los medicamentos veterinarios - 20/10/2020

Un documento de discusión para las Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)

Holly Hufnagel

El objetivo de este documento de discusión es informar al Comité Asesor técnico de LEGS acerca de temas relacionados con la calidad de medicamentos veterinarios para respuestas ganaderas en situaciones de emergencia. Esto incluye los elementos de la cadena de suministro además de los medicamentos farmacéuticos en sí, y también las crecientes preocupaciones acerca de cómo se utilizan (y cómo se utilizan mal) en el contexto del problema global de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos (RAM). Este documento de discusión se basa de forma sustancial en las experiencias y en las conclusiones del Proyecto de Investigación Operativa de LEGS sobre las “Barreras operativas a la aplicación de LEGS”, una revisión de literatura existente, y entrevistas con informantes clave de organismos que trabajan dentro del sector (Vétérinaires sans Frontières - VSF, la Organización de Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura - FAO, The Brooke, instituciones universitarias/ de investigación, formadores de LEGS, etc.) El documento está estructurado en dos secciones: la primera se centra en asegurar la calidad de medicamentos veterinarios y su cadena de suministro en una emergencia, y la segunda en el desarrollo de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos, y las estrategias para minimizar estos riesgos. El documento incluye estudios realizados en Zimbabue, Somalia, Kenia y Níger.

El género y el ganado en emergencias - 20/10/2020

Un documento de discusión para las Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)

Karin de Jonge y Lucy Maarse

El objetivo de este documento de discusión es describir los principales temas que existen en la intersección del género y el ganado en el contexto de la respuesta humanitaria, y comunicarlos al Comité Asesor de LEGS (Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias) para informar la revisión del Manual de LEGS. Este documento incluye:

  • un resumen de las tendencias y el pensamiento actuales con respecto al género y la acción humanitaria, y su (potencial) pertinencia a intervenciones humanitarias relacionadas con el ganado
  • casos prácticos con una perspectiva de género

El ganado y la nutrición - 20/9/2020

Un documento de discusión para las Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)

Kate Sadler

Este documento de discusión fue encargado por LEGS para examinar los temas clave relativos a la nutrición en el contexto de las intervenciones ganaderas en situaciones de emergencia, con particular atención a los siguientes temas clave:

  • La contribución del ganado a la nutrición a nivel de hogar
  • El impacto de las emergencias sobre esta contribución
  • Los beneficios nutricionales de intervenciones ganaderas en situaciones de emergencia apropiadas

Seguros ganaderos - 20/9/2020

Un documento de discusión para las Normas y directrices para intervenciones ganaderas en emergencias (LEGS)

Yacob Aklilu

Este documento fue comisionado con el objetivo de evaluar los programas de seguros ganaderos y explorar la evidencia que existe en cuanto a la implementación efectiva de programas de seguros ganaderos para apoyar los medios de subsistencia de comunidades afectadas por crisis. El documento analiza el impacto de estos programas sobre los medios de subsistencia, basado en los objetivos de medios de subsistencia de LEGS, y propone recomendaciones acerca de la pertinencia de los seguros ganaderos con respecto a LEGS y la próxima edición del Manual de LEGS. El documento estudia dos sistemas de seguros ganaderos: los sistemas “tradicionales” y los programas emergentes de seguros ganaderos. También se proporcionan casos prácticos de apoyo referentes a Kenia, Bangladesh, Sudán y Mongolia. El documento es el resultado del estudio de una sección transversal de documentos consultados con respecto a varios países, e información obtenida de personas clave en Etiopía. En las notas al pie de página se proporcionan definiciones simples de términos técnicos.

The Challenges of Emergency Veterinary Voucher Schemes: Research into Operational Barriers to Applying LEGS - 20/1/2020

The research methodology was based on the following multi-method research approach, using both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, with checklists and tools developed for each:

  1.  Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice baseline and endline studies through 46 Focus Group Discussions with community members (220 women and 210 men in total)
  2.  Key Informant Interviews on animal health service delivery with CAHWs (33), AHSPs (8), Private Veterinary Pharmacies (PVPs) (19), government staff (8), and Test partner project staff (16)
  3. Observational site visits and spot checks to review veterinary pharmaceutical quality with PVPs (9) and CAHWs/AHSPs (33)
  4. Laboratory tests to check the stability of the active ingredients and the sterility of the veterinary pharmaceuticals in use (78 samples tested)
  5.  A global online stakeholder survey administered via the LEGS website and mailing list to consult practitioners and policy makers around the world about their experiences of providing veterinary support in emergencies (85 responses) 
  6. USAID/OFDA also carried out fi eld visits to the three Test sites during the research period

LEGS Core Standards and Community-Based Animal Health Services - 20/1/2020

LEGS Briefing Paper

This Briefing Paper considers how community-based animal health (CBAH) services that assist livestock owning communities can be better supported by implementing agencies, and draws on the lessons learnt from a LEGS Operational Research project funded by USAID/OFDA. The research aimed to identify and test alternative programme models for the application of LEGS Standards whilst complying with key donor regulations — specifi cally in the area of animal health and veterinary drug procurement and use — implemented using emergency veterinary voucher schemes. The research project also undertook an online global survey of practitioners and policy makers to learn about their experiences of providing veterinary support in emergencies.

LEGS Drought Tool - 20/3/2018

A LEGS-based preparedness, planning and response tool for improved resilience in the drylands of the Horn of Africa

The Drought Tool is structured as follows: the background section provides an overview of recent droughts in the HoA, looks at the costs of drought, and introduces the LEGS Core Standards and the Drought Cycle Management (DCM) model. The core section, based on guidance from the Drought Workshop, presents evidence-based good practice for livestock interventions during droughts in line with the different stages of the DCM model. The final section then identifies some of the policy issues that need to be addressed to help improve the outcomes of drought emergency livestock interventions in the HoA region. Annex 1 contains ‘The Drought Tool in Brief’, a summary of the key recommendations for each stage of the DCM model.

Revisiting the Economic Impacts of Early Drought Response - 20/3/2018

How does early response affect households in pastoralist areas?

LEGS Briefing Paper

This Briefing Paper takes a different perspective on assessing the value of early response, and focuses on the impacts of livestock projects on poorer households in pastoralist areas. These households often have relatively few animals, and during normal (non-drought) years can struggle to increase their herds due to the need to sell some animals to meet basic domestic needs such as food, healthcare, livestock services and school fees, and because of animal losses due to disease or other causes. Furthermore, household economic growth to a distinctly better financial position, with more animals, is not linear but occurs as notable “step ups” from one level of wealth to another4 . For these reasons, poor households are often caught in a poverty trap, in which small increases in financial assets are transient, and never enough to reach a higher level of financial security. The impacts of drought are particularly important for these households, because drought can cause high livestock mortality and this makes it even more difficult for households to secure and build livestock assets. Therefore, the paper considers how early response affects the livestock of poorer households in pastoralist areas during drought, and then after drought, how the impacts of early response relate to herd growth and recovery.

Supporting Livelihoods and Livestock During Drought in Pastoralist Areas - 20/3/2018

The livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions

LEGS Briefing Paper

This Briefing Paper summarizes the livelihoods and nutritional impacts of LEGS interventions during drought, and then examines these impacts in relation to recent trends in aid funding to livestock-related support in the Horn of Africa. Information on the impacts of LEGS interventions was obtained mainly from reports in the online LEGS Impact Database.


East Africa